Something is wrong

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Y/n is beginning to have her suspicions on the cute bois >.> secrets will be revealed soon~~


~The moment there is suspicion about a person’s motives, everything he does becomes tainted~

Enjoy babies🌻~


The tall man, you came to know as Kakuzu, carried you inside the tower and helped stitch your cuts so they could mend quicker. You didn't talk much because you were lost in thought and because he didn't say a word either.
When he was done he got up to leave and you stayed there inside a grey looking empty room with a futon on the ground and a small window shedding light at the pipe lines in the ceiling. 
<is this where the Kami lives? that man one of his angels?>

Soon enough the door opened revealing the Kami. You quickly tried to get up and bow to him but remembered your freshly injured leg and winced a bit at the pain. He noticed and motioned for you to stay put. 
He kneeled next to you watching how you dared not to look into his eyes. He lifted up your chin "I am sorry about this. Hidan is someone who doesn't follow orders well"
"How can you allow someone who doesn't follow your orders to run around so freely.  Your word is law" you spoke sadly
"Tell me y/n. What intrigues you in my work?"
"I...I respect the way you helped the Rain out of the war crisis and got rid of the corrupted system...and I wish to help you expand your influence across the there can truly be peace among the nations. I have fought in the war as a child and never knew peace was possible, until you showed up. You inspired me to be like you and your angel. That is why i came all this way to join you with whatever it is you are planning … I want to be an angel too” You the last part in a low voice shyly

He gave you an unreadable expression “Before you take this decision. You should know that Angels do my bidding without question. Surely some of them, stray off the path but none come to me empty handed or face me with failed missions. Failure leads to severe punishment without an exceptions. Is that understood?” He asked looking directly into your soul.

You nodded “ I understand… and I have taken my decision since the start…nothing will change my mind about you Kami sama”

He got up “Good” The door opened revealing a blue haired girl dressed in the same cloak. She was his main angel…you spotted her a few time in Amegakure’s town quarters but never seen her up close. She looked so graceful that you couldn’t take your eyes off her. 

She handed the Kami a ring and he turned to you taking your left hand and slipped a lime green ring on your pinky finger with the kanji word ‘sky’ written on it. He helped you stand up “By today you will address me as Pein. Leader of the Akatsuki. The God on the road to world peace” 

You bowed slightly “Thank you, Pein sama”

You were soon taken out to meet the other members and that was when your world shattered to the ground. The other so called ‘angels’ where all rogues and past prisoners and murderers. You shrugged these details off thinking they were criminals who decided to change their fate and redeem themselves, but you couldn’t ignore the fact that the little girl you killed, Ajasai, was now used as one of the bodies that resembled the kami.

You didn’t understand how something so holy can be so dark, but there was no backing away now. He warned you about everything before hand, and the fight out the tower with that psycho was a clear hint of the type of people he harbors within these walls. The only thing left for you to do was to serve, but not in the way you had in mind. He had darker plans for you now.


You weren’t feeling too well after the demon leaked out your system and decided to sleep all day to regulate your strength. Hidan tried to ask you out to another one of his hunts but you told him you just wanted some rest and that you would do it tomorrow. He grumbled and left the house slamming the door throwing temper tantrums that you got used to. You fell asleep for an hour then felt a bit guilty seeing his sad expression as he left, and got up to follow him. You didn’t know where he could be, so you had to search the area well until you saw a man pinned to a tree and smirked jumping from one branch to another in that direction.  You stopped seeing Hidan fight a masked man dressed in a cloud pattern cloak. Hidan delivered the final strike to his heart but the man stood up once more. You titled your head <another immortal?>

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