Getting caught kissing

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(Tell me if there are any grammar mistakes ^^'  i didn't proofread too well)

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You sat there next to Pein folding his scrolls back up, as he worked at a small table on the ground in his room. You noticed he kept stealing glances at you from the side of your eye and blushed under his stern gaze then gathered up the courage to look him in the eye "Pein? there anything wrong"

"Yes there is" he said putting his pen down making you feel a bit worried 

You looked down at the table, from his maps to his scrolls, trying to find out what was wrong or out of place, but you found nothing, until he leaned in towards you.

"I'm bothered” he whispered in your ear

"W-why?" you stuttered

He leaned in some more his face inches away from yours; whispering seductively "you are distracting me. And it annoys me to know you are inches away and my lips aren't pressed against yours"

You blushed darkly hearing those words as the butterflies in your stomach went wild. He cupped your face and kissed you softly and soon enough it turned into a passionate kiss. He tangled his hands in your hair pulling you closer to him and parted looking into your eyes “My beautiful angel” He whispered making you melt and leaned in for another one of his addictive soothing touches. You were fazed by his ravishing kisses and lost in a world of his caressing hands that you didn’t hear the door slide open.

You heard a few gasps and pulled away from each other quickly. Konan was standing there with Kakuzu and Hidan to hand in their reports for their recent missions.

You blushed furiously and got up quickly leaving the room in seconds to avoid the other men’s cheeky stares. Konan couldn’t hold her serious face for much longer and smiled at Pein.

Hidan raised an eyebrow “Kissing a Miko?!... Are you sure of your so called divinity?! Tch you sinful self-proclaimed bastard… that’s fucking disgusting!!” he flipped out

Kakuzu nudged him and handed Pein the scrolls trying to change the subject. How Pein kept a serious straight through all of that was a complete mystery.


The jashinist invited you out for a drink but things got out of hand and you ended up getting shit drunk. It was predictable because you wanted to get shit drunk together to loosen all that awkwardness between you. The two of you stumbled back to the base in the middle of the night laughing your asses off, reaching for the main entrance door, but he pinned you towards it roughly and leaned in  "You look so fucking hot" he whispered the smell of alcohol clearly lingeirng in his breath.
“Aren’t you so brave tonight” you mocked

“Wanting to kiss a cannibal? Yeah I guess I’m feeling lucky enough not to get bitten” he teased

“hehe I wouldn’t be so sure about the not biting part” You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close for a kiss. He smirked into it and snuck his hands under your shirt making you pull away quick "Hidan not out here"
He smirked and wrapped his arms around you tightly "I bet you that I can kiss you all the way to my room"
You smirked "let's see about that"
He slammed his lips on yours and reached out to the knob twisting it and entering the hideout with his lips still attached to yours and his hands gripping your hips.

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