You get sick/hurt

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This was requested a long time ago but I *just* found the right timing for it
This is the last chapter for this week. I will see you on January 1 babies💕~
 (if I’m not shit drunk or dying of overeating~!)



The redhead walked down the hall like a warlord ready to drown in the blood of his enemies. The other members, fearing their life, quickly stepped aside, not wanting him to bump into them and probably bathe in their blood. 

Pein ignored their questions and comments about his fury, as he stormed to your room. He opened the door and entered swiftly closing the door behind him looking at your sleeping form. You had gotten sick and he heard you throwing up early in the morning, so he rushed out to bring you some medicine. 

Pein reached into his cloak taking out some syrup and pills and got up to get a spoon and water, then sat next to you and nudged your shoulder "Y/n... Wake up beautiful" 

You squirmed a bit and felt your stomach turn as you began to wake up then whined. He smiled and kissed your forehead “Sorry for taking too much time” 
You sat up and shook your head “Don’t apologize… I should. Drinking and eating with Hidan must’ve wrecked my stomach” 
He sighed and caressed your cheek “That is why I told you to keep your distance from him. He is a very destructive person to be around” 
You nodded “Sorry…I hope you forgive me for my carelessness”
 He kissed your forehead and cupped your cheeks “of course. Now take your medicine and rest. I don’t want you out of bed today until you feel well”
You nodded taking your medicine and then laid back in bed with a smile on your face. You remained there for the entire day and Pein tried to balance his time between the meetings and missions and checking up on your, until Nagato got really worried and forced you to sit with him in his room as he controlled Pein from afar, while keeping his eyes on you simultaneously. At the end of the day, Nagato pulled you close to him in bed, spooning your body as his warm hands rubbed your stomach slightly while he placed kisses on the back of your neck til you fell asleep.

Hidan frowned while waiting with Kakuzu outside, for you to head to the mission.
“Hidan did y/n even wake up or did she sleep in?” Kakuzu asked crossing his arms
“I woke her myself!! She got up and got dressed and fucking everything!” the jashinist snapped
“Go check up on her and drag her here then” Kakuzu ordered
Hidan groaned loudly like a teenager who was throwing a tantrum and headed back into the hideout slamming his fist on your door “OYY!!! BITCH WHAT THE FUCK!!!  IT HAS BEEN HALF AN HOUR!!!” He yelled but got no answer and barged into the room ready to shout but his eyes widened seeing you passed out on the floor.
“Y/n?… Y/N!?” He called out and quickly went to your side lifting your head up and slapping your cheek gently. He felt the anxiety shoot up in his mind. He normally didn’t worry about anyone but himself…but you were different. He did care. Hidan carried you to the bathroom and splashed cold water on to your face waking you up. You gasped opening your eyes and held on to him tight. 
He smiled widely seeing you wake up then his smile turned to a frown “I want to bitch slap you so hard right now! We didn’t you fucking tell me you weren’t feeling well?”
You sat up and he helped you “W-what happened? I feel so dizzy… everything just went black all the sudden” You said weakly
He looked at you worriedly “I found you passed out on the floor-“ 
“Hidan what is taking you?” Kakuzu walked in and stopped seeing your pale face and tired droopy eyes. “Y/n…are you alright?”
You took a deep breath then got up, using Hidan for support still feeling dizzy, as he helped. “Don’t worry about me… I’m fine… Sorry for keeping you long… Let’s go” You said but they both stopped you by grabbing your shoulders each “Like hell you will! You are staying back here” Hidan snapped
“Your condition is not fit for this operation. I recommend you rest for today, you obviously look like a wreck” Kakuzu said 
You frowned “Noo~ come on! Please. I’m fine! I swear”
They looked at each other as if talking with their eyes, then the next thing you knew, you were being tossed on to the bed roughly and door to your room slammed close as they both left you behind.
“Stay in there and sleep!” Hidan called out
You groaned in pain at the rough handling and sat up.
<**They have a point you know… you are not in a condition to fight…so sleep it out**> Your demon said and you nodded laying back in bed. Soon enough Hidan returned and spent the rest of the day cuddled by your side, trying to get you to walk, without you tripping over your own legs from the dizziness. Kakuzu recommend you eat some sugar, so Hidan raided the base snatching anything that contained sugar form the other members. Lucky for Hidan, the members liked you and didn’t beat the shit out of him for trying to take care of you.

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