Sleep together

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Damn this week ended soo quickly!! I just want to get shit drunk and decay in bed TuT (But can’t because “responsible adult”)



You lit up some incense in your room near the door and removed the red ribbon from your hair placing it aside neatly then took off your clothes and put on a short robe and fell asleep onto your futon. 

You dream was fine until it started to distort around and you felt you couldn’t breathe being pinned down by multiple creatures as your body was lit on fire. You started to scream but no voice came out and you were stuck into wormhole of pain and fear. Until something shook you violently waking you up. You took heavy breaths and saw Pein looking at you worriedly cupping your cheeks.

“Angel are you alright? This is the fourth time this week” He said stroking your hair

You calmed down and closed your eyes feeling tears flow down silently. “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry” You apologized, you didn’t know why but you felt the need to apologize. 

He hugged you tight and carried you up. 

“Where are we going?” you panicked

“I need to keep a close eye on you” He said and headed towards Nagato’s room unlocking the door. Pein placed you on Nagato’s bed and left “I’ll be with you in a moment” He said

You felt a bit shy causing him to worry this much, then saw Nagato walking towards you giving you a reassuring smile. He has been able to walk around after you fused your chakra with his. He pushed you down on the bed and laid down next to you. 

“Nothing will hurt you or scare you while I’m around. You are safe” He said caressing your cheek

You blushed and got up “no this isn’t right…I can’t sleep with you in the same bed” 

He pulled you back to him “Are you accusing your Kami of having impure thoughts about you?”

You shook you head “This is just…not right. A woman can’t be in bed with a man before marriage” 

He smiled “You are forgetting one thing angel…I’m not a mere man. I am your Kami”

You looked down shyly and he pulled you close to his chest stroking your hair gently.

You closed your eyes enjoying his strong arms around your body and his fingers in your hair. You felt so safe and knew that no nightmares would reach you with him around.

<Is this right?>


The Jashinist laid in bed looking out the window not able to sleep. He tossed and turned and suddenly his bed was like sleeping on a bed of rocks piercing through his spine.

He sat up rubbing his face with his hands then got an idea and headed out his room. He would normally troll the other members in their sleep but not tonight. He walked into your room and poked your back. You were already asleep and turned around to look at him through the dim light. “Hidan?...what do you want? What time is it?”

“I have another head ache and it’s your job to fix it” he said 

You sighed and turned your back to him “Go away man. Just a take a pill or something”

He frowned moving your blanket out the way to wake you up “Fucking wake up and help me now!!”

You knew he was throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the night, so you ignored him and kept your back to him. He shook your shoulder “If I can’t sleep, then you won’t sleep either!” 

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