He gets the news

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Short chapter because I wasted half my life watching soap ASMR! I need therapy :’) !!!

Enjoy 🌻~

(These happened after the mission’s incident. Except for Zetsu’s part, it was during the incident)


It has been a week since you left, Pein was with Konan discussing the upcoming missions, until Zetsu walked into the room with the fakest concerned look he could come up with. “Leader sama, I have some upsetting news **It is about Y/n**”

Pein and Konan both turned to look at him in worry and he sighed “I don’t know how to break this down to you, knowing you were fond of her” He said and approached Pein opening his hand to reveal your Akatsuki ring and your red ribbon stained with blood. 

“She wasn’t ready for the mission Pein sama ** Your faith and hers, were in the wrong place….those five men were too strong for her and she was outnumbered by them**”

Pein’s face remained stern and he took the ring and ribbon from Zetsu “Impossible y/n had fought and trained constantly using my six paths”
Zetsu nodded “That is what confused me too but I guess she was too dependent on you”
Konan looked at Pein sadly knowing that he was hurting until he spoke “You are dismissed Zetsu” 

Zetsu nodded and sunk into the ground while Konan approached Pein worriedly as he stared at the ribbon blankly. She knew that behind all this Nagato was really sad and probably crying. 

Pein turned around to leave and Konan followed but he stopped her “I would like to have some time for myself Konan” He said not showing a hint of emotion as he left. As soon as Pein’s body returned to Nagato, the latter took the ribbon from his hands and broke down crying, not able to contain his sadness anymore “My sweet y/n….my sweet sweet angel” He cried holding onto the red fabric. 

He couldn’t help but feel the guilt eat at him because he felt somehow responsible for assigning you this mission. He gripped onto his head feeling the chakra of his eyes run wild until he screamed in anger and all the windows around him shattered and the trees outside the base bent backwards from the impact. “Why couldn’t I feel it? …why did you leave me?” He cried and looked at Pein’s body. “You left….Just like Yahiko did…you left me with this pain” He said then sat down on ground feeling his body fail from the intense sadness as he held onto your ribbon weeping silently. 

Soon enough a few days passed by and he grew more and more numb by the minute. He became darker and crueler with this growing pain. He didn’t only lose his family and best friend, who he considered like a brother… now he lost a lover…His angel. This world is going to pay!


The jashinist followed the miser while complaining about his tired feet all journey long. “Come on old man! Let’s rest!” 

Kakuzu sighed “I miss y/n already. She used to know how to shut you up!” He growled then looked at a cave “We are here. You get to rest while we have a meeting then we are heading to the next village for some lunch” 

“Another stupid meeting…stupid fucking idiot of a leader” Hidan groaned in annoyance and entered the cave after Kakuzu. The other member’s projections were there along with Konan and Pein’s. Hidan sat on a rock as Kakuzu stood by him. 

and with that Pein started “Now that you are all here, I-“

“Cut the crap and just get on with it! I want to go to the village and get something to eat because this blasphemer is starving me” Hidan said cutting him off. 

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