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This was supposed to be two chapters but I mushed it in one (11,123 words! Almost 30 pages!!) because I’ve missed so many days (you guys probably forgot about me and my existence~)

This will be the final chapter in this book! So embrace it! Because I’m going to start my Modern AU book soon! Thank you for reading my book and bearing me for all these weeks! Love you all babies!

This will be the final chapter in this book! So embrace it! Because I’m going to start my Modern AU book soon! Thank you for reading my book and bearing me for all these weeks! Love you all babies! 

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Bear me a few more because I need to get my life together before diving back into my books! Love you all💕


Jiraya formed two rasengens in each hand to try and free himself from the vines’ clutches. The plants tore off at the powerful chakra, releasing him onto the rocky ground of the dark cave. The old man looked around in shock seeing all the wrapped up people pinned to the wall lifelessly their skin turning white. Jiraya searched for D/n around, so he could hurry up and save her but his eyes laid on her, as she hung from the wall while Zetsu pierced her body with his vines.
Her skin was discolored and her hair shifted to a pale white color.
Jiraya panicked and summoned a small messenger toad asking for it to alert you and Nagato quickly. Jiraya has never met Zetsu before but he has heard stories that this creature mustn’t be taken lightly. 
“Tsk it seems the sensei had escaped. **D/n, retrieve him for us**” Zetsu spoke spotting Jiiraya.
The old man prepared to battle the bicolored man but instead D/n was dropped in front of him with pale eyes, then charged at him mercilessly. 
He blocked her attacks knowing that she must’ve been brainwashed to follow Zetsu’s orders. He couldn’t harm her but he couldn’t let her win either. All he could do is wait.
You were jumping from tree to tree along with Nagato heading towards a secure looking cave for a meeting. Even though the Akatsuki were ambassadors of peace; working as mercenaries to stop any dispute, they still had to act in clandestine movements, watching the world from the shadows like true shinobi. 
Nagato walked into the cave with you and greeted the members. “I’m glad you are all here. Your missions have been nothing but successful in the past year, so good job. I apologize if I have been tense with you lately. Especially you Hidan” He apologized making you smile at the Jashinist, while the latter rolled his eyes.
“Are we going to address the feud happening between the two clans at the border of Kusagakue?” Itachi asked 
Nagato nodded “Give me the report” 
Kakuzu sighed “The idiots are fighting over a river... one clan is using it as a main source for dying their clothes. The other is using the river to water crops, but sadly the dyes are seeping into the vegetation’s soils making them toxic to eat. I say we relocate the two, farmers at the beginning of the river and the rest bellow”
“We can’t do that. People have homes and reside there you can’t just move them. Even crop water spoils the stream with insecticides that will hurt the other clan’s fabrics” Sasori scoffed at Kakuzu’s idea.
The miser frowned at the puppet ready to lash out, until a cloud of dust poofed in front of them all, revealing a small red Toad.
Nagato knew it was Jiraya’s and looked towards the amphibian questioningly, until it spoke. 
“Jiraya sama said that you need to head towards yugakure urgently. It seems Zetsu had made an appearance and captured D/n”
Konan looked at you worriedly and Nagato tensed up. 
“Zetsu?....he is still out there un?” Deidara asked curiously, seeing you and Nagato’s faces get dark. You didn’t hesitate or wait for Nagato to say anything, you quickly pulled Deidara with you so he could summon his bird and fly you over there ASAP.
Eventually the entire Akatsuki were heading towards that area. They sprinted down Yuga alarming all the people in the city. Tourists gasped in surprise fearing the situation they were in. The mercenaries only appeared altogether, if there was a mass crisis happening. You sprinted off to the mountain the toad spoke of and reached the tree.
“Wish for something” The amphibian spoke.
“Wish for something? I want my daughter back!” You snapped not in the mood for games. It was, then that vines shot up from the ground and the grass shook as D/n emerged from the earth. You wanted to run to her but she charged at you like you were an enemy. You block her attacks and pushed her away but she struck at you with her wind release, so Hidan stood in front of you taking the hit then kicked D/n in the stomach causing her to slam against a tree. “Hidan! don’t hurt her!” Nagato yelled as he dropped in front of D/n trying to snap her out of it. Her eyes were blank and her skin and hair color had changed. 
Kakuzu used his threads to hold D/n down, before she attacked you some more and that is when more bodies began to emerge from the ground to fight. 
“What a lovely reunion you guys. **Your bodies will be perfect additions to our collection**” Zetsu spoke emerging partially from the twisted tree.
The fight dragged on and Zetsu even used Jiraya’s body to attack you and try and suck you in. He managed to capture Hidan and Kisame. The fight was getting really difficult until Itachi managed to reach out to Zetsu and stop him using his genjutsu. 
Itachi used his Susano’s blade to seal away Zetsu forever and then D/n, Hidan, Kisame and the rest of the people were taken to the nearest hospital immediately to reverse this so called parasite infection. 
You traveled from one hospital to another until D/n was brought back to normal. She was in stable condition but her eyes, skin and hair remained white. Nagato walked into the room and looked over at D/n, who was still asleep. You smiled and got up to hug him “Don’t worry about her. She is a stronger girl and the doctors said she is doing fine”
He nodded “I know. I’m just angry with myself… I can’t believe I was controlled by such a vile creature before… poor Obito must be thinking the same…even Madara…the last thing I wanted was for D/n to go through the same” He said then took D/n’s hand in his and kissed it softly causing her to open her eyes weakly and look towards him. He smiled then leaned closer to her to kiss her forehead then her cheek. “There is my strong baby girl” He whispered making her sigh in relief that she was back safe under her parent’s gaze.

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