The truth~

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( "The design is amazing, but can we remove the skulls?" Said a person to my 'day of the dead' Mexican themed sketch.... Some people are so well educated and smart, that I feel I'm about to faint because I am so shocked by their extremely large mental capacity and high level of cultural knowledge😌 I am unworthy of meeting them and honored to bask in their light)

*Enough rants*

I know you want fluff but I need to continue with the stories😂 but don't worry, the fluff will be there on the way~ or squeezed in between.

~Love is just a beautiful lie~

Enjoy 🌻~


Pein sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking a small village, since aerial views of villages really soothed him whenever he had a lot to think about.

A small swarm of papers fluttered past him and merged into a female form "Nagato are you okay?" Konan spoke

He nodded and motioned for her to sit next to him. She sat down and gave him a small smile "You and y/n are becoming so overly affectionate lately. I heard Hidan blabbering about you to the other members"

He nodded sadly "Yeah... I guess so"

Her smiled dropped and she looked at him deeply "What is wrong? Tell me"

"I don't is like...she feels too good to be true. I love her presence but I feel I'm making a big mistake taking her in. I mean you saw what she did to you. She doesn't love me....she is obsessed! and obsession and love are two different things"

She sighed and held his hand "Why do you love her? If the qualities you love outweigh your negative feelings, then I don't think there is anything that can hurt you"

(Konan is me. single but gives a lot of couple advice XD)

He looked at the sky "I love her beauty and how innocent she looks, and I love how caring and kind she acts...even her fighting is so graceful. I thought she was a pure sweet girl but she isn't. She is dark and evil and it is like she is a bit two faced" He stopped talking and gave a dry laugh "It is funny coming out of me because I'm all those things... I guess because I am those words...I need a woman to make me forget this and remind me that there is still some innocence in this dark world regardless"

"You think she would hurt you, if you did something wrong to her?"

"Honestly I don't know what to think. Can you do me a favor?" he said looking at the small village

"Sure anything"

"Get Zetsu on this mission urgently. I want a full complete research on y/n. I want to know everything there is to know about her and her past and her family and her clan. Everything"

"Noted. I will let him look around and I will check the files in amegakure to see if there are some documents about her" Konan said getting up

Pein nodded and got up to leave "Be as quick as you can... I have a bad feeling about all this"

Konan called Zetsu and he emerged from the ground with a smile "Yes Konan?"

"We need a full report on y/n f/n... everything you find or see or hear" She ordered

He chuckled "Is she giving leader sama a hard time **heh we heard every word and honestly we are curious ourselves**" He said then sunk back into the ground to begin the thorough investigation.


You shot at the target with a fire release while Kakuzu used wind to enhance it. Hidan charged into the flaming cloud, which was a distraction, to catch the bounty off guard as he swung his scythe around like a maniac. The target managed to get cut and Hidan jumped back to prepare his ritual while you and Kakuzu held the rogue back in time. The jashinist prepared the symbol on the ground and licked the target's blood off his blade causing his skin to discolor into a skeletal pattern. He laughed and held the stake to stab himself but you threw a kunai, tossing it from his hand.

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