You are preggers!

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Here it is ~~Some of you may have already guessed :D
Hopefully I don’t end up killing your children once again~ (though it will be really tempting >w>)
What were your favorite, most memorable quotes from my books in 2018? I wonder :0

Anyways enough of that


You were on Konan’s bed after Nagato left on a mission. She just got out the shower and was brushing her hair in her robe at the mirror while you sulked on her bed “You think Nagato will be long Konan?”
She shook her head “No, I think it will be til this evening. Why?”
You sat up “Because I still feel sick and I need someone to take me to a doctor… but we are all wanted criminals and I can’t enter Amegakure without him”
She got up and sat next to you “What are you feeling?”
You sighed “I’ve been throwing up each morning for the past week! And my chest is getting really sore and I’m getting fevers and headaches and cramps…I don’t know if there is something wrong with my period”
She chuckled and titled her head “Did you and Nagato sleep together already?”
You blushed darkly and looked away “Uhm…no…I wouldn’t-“
“It’s alright you can tell me” She assured you and you nodded making her giggle some more “ I never knew he could be so intimate…I think that is why you are getting all these symptoms”
You gasped “Y-you think I'm pregnant!!!”
She got up “Only one way to find out. I’ll take you to Amegakure’s hospital to get checked”
You returned that day with positive results and made Konan swear that she won’t tell anyone because keeping this child was a decision that should be made by Nagato, himself.
Soon enough, Nagato returned to the hideout at night and knocked on your bedroom door then entered to make sure, if you were still sick. “Y/n?”
You woke up and looked at him “You are back?”
He nodded and sat next to you placing his hand on your forehead “Are you alright beautiful?”
You bit your lip “I went to the hospital with Konan today for some checkups and it turns out I’m not really sick”
He smiled “That’s great news but why do you still look ill?”
You took his hand and placed it on the small bump on your stomach “Because I’m pregnant”
He looked at you deeply, feeling the small bump and pulled you in for a kiss. He didn’t know how to react but in that moment he knew that he loved you and he wanted to show you that.

You pulled away from his kiss and looked into his eyes "my words have no weight against agree to this?"

"The question is do *you* want this child? It will be a hard 9 months you know and I want you to take this decision because in the end I'm not the one, who is going to be under stress and pain" He spoke softly

You took your time to think then nodded shyly "I want this"

"Then I want this too" he said with a smile and hugged you close kissing your neck softly “my sweet angel”



You looked at the test with a smile seeing that it was positive. "I can't believe this is real!" 

<**what are you so excited for? I thought you hated children**>

"Ever since I get to see Hidan as a kid. I just fell in love with children and he was the worst kind. I wanted an idiot just like him"

<**you think he will agree to this?...if he doesn't can I have the kid? To eat I mean**>

You chuckled "I’m pretty sure he will be excited as well.....I hope "you said the last part worriedly and headed out the bathroom to Hidan who was still asleep. 

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