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Ok so a lot of feels and issues in these chapters because i want to add a realistic feel to a shinobi's inner psychological status…which is literally what the book is going to be about… no I’m not talking pure angst but it has its ups and downs)



(Pain! You make me a! make me a believer! BELIEVERR~! ….no. just me? ok then)

<Me? have feelings for some random woman that walked into my life?...but she isn’t just a random woman… she is my devotee and she keeps taking care of me despite having her doubts about the organization. She is blinded by my superiority and has deep respect for me. Am I worthy of having followers as zealous as this?> Pein thought as he approached you.

You were chatting with Kisame and Itachi until Pein landed in front you.
"Y/n, I want to have a word with you inside" he said in his stern voice making you gulp and nod. You followed him inside and felt your world shatter at his sudden stern and cold gaze fearing that something might be wrong. He stopped in front of a big door and motioned to you with his head to go in. You nervously pushed open the door and entered seeing Nagato in his contraption.

He looked at your scared shaking figure and sighed "Come here angel. Get me out this thing so we can talk"

You nodded and walked up to him removing the buckles and tubes around him then helped Nagato out of it. You sat him down on the ground then sat down in front of him formally with your back up straight saturated with worry. 
He extended his hand to your cheek making you blush and close your eyes. 

"Konan told me things about you...and what you said" He spoke

Your eyes flung open and your face burnt up "what did she tell you?"

"That you are hurt...are you hurt angel?" he asked bringing his other hand to your face cupping your cheek in his long pale hands. You bit your lip and looked down "I forget all kinds of pain when I am with you Kami sama. You are my spiritual savior"

He leaned his forehead on yours and looked into your eyes "you know then, I would never do anything that would hurt you, or change the way you feel about I want you to be at ease around me and not act so uptight and tense"
You nodded and he felt you relax adjusting your sit and pressing your forehead against his more. 
He smiled and slid his hands to the back of your neck "I also want you to know entranced me the moment I laid eyes on you but I didn't want to cross the line so I won't scare you away"

You gulped and looked deeply into his eyes "cross the line?"

He nodded "Just...please don't think differently of me after this"

You were confused and didn't know what to say until he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened in shook as your own Kami locked his divine lips with yours. Your entire body malfunctioned and heated up. It was a short kiss but it lasted an eternity to you as you took in everything.

He let go of you and pulled away looking at your overwhelmed red face. It made him really worried that you didn't do anything but stare at him shook. 
"I'm sorry...I should've known that this was too sudden for you... I guess I am not so perfect after all" he apologized
He wanted to get up but you held his hand and shook your head pulling him back to you "I want you to do that again" you asked shyly making his heart flutter. He leaned in again without hesitation and this time you kissed back passing your fingers in his red hair. Then pulled away looking into his eyes and leaned your forehead on his 
"I love you Kami sama"
He shook his head "Call me Nagato, angel" 
You blushed and looked down not knowing where all that courage came from but it made you feel so fulfilled and happy 
<Kami sa-....Nagato fianlly loves me>

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