I quit the Akatsuki!

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I know what you are thinking. 

“*Writer-san! how can you do this to me before the joyous holidays? This is supposed to be a festive season!?*”

but bear with me XD it will get better….or worse… maybe~

Maybe I have a New year’s present for you~ maybe I don't~



<Without him… I am nothing… but why haven’t I died yet? Shouldn’t I be dead?… is this what death is? Do I remain aware in a blank lifeless state endlessly tortured by my own mind and questions? Is this hell?.... it is soo cold>

You took a breath and frowned, not understanding how you were able to breathe. You felt firm hands pressed on your chest. Was it your Kami?… Did he come for you?
For a second there, your hope had returned but it was soon blown off once more. 

“Oh thank goodness. I have a pulse” Someone familiar spoke. 

You tried to move knowing you were still alive, but how? you were stabbed in a vital point and lost so much blood. Only a master medic could’ve done this and what are the chances that they found you in the middle of nowhere. You opened your eyes slightly to see a glowing green light. 

“Yes… finally... you are awake. You gave me a scare mistress” a man spoke.

Your eyes cleared and you tilted your head to perceive who it was and were shocked to see your most loyal follower monk over you with a smile on his face. He was the same monk that Pein let you spare. He was here next to you sweating from exerting his chakra too hard just to keep you alive. 

“Jun?… how are you here?” You asked 

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“Jun?… how are you here?” You asked 

He let go of you and took out a kunai then placed it over the small camp fire he had made next to you to heat it up “I moved to the land of Iron after you released me. the Samurais said they had the need for a medic but didn’t want to hire a shinobi…so a monk was the best option…the settlement was meters away from the battle you had caused and I was informed five of their men died… when I got there…I saw and heard everything that creature said to you and managed to pick you up, after the men left, to keep it a secret” he said watching as the kunai turned hot red then turned to you “Please bear the pain. I need to close your wound fully” He said and pressed the red glowing kunai on the wound burning the flesh making you yelp in pain. He placed his hand over your mouth to muffle the screaming until the wound was fully closed then removed his hand and kept apologizing. You felt a bit dizzy from the pain and Jun gave you some water to drink, so you would wake up fully. You took a deep breath and held on to him as he helped you sit up leaning your body against the wall. “How did it come to this mistress?… what have you seen? What happened to you?” he asked worriedly

“I was betrayed by my own Kami… he tossed me out like trash” You said sadly feeling your eyes tear up. Jun rubbed your back gently “Oh heavens no… you are too holy to call yourself that mistress… please don’t do this to yourself” 

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