It's your birthday

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My bday is coming up on Friday so I figured why not make a chapter like it 😊~

Any Libros in the house♎ ~?

I missed the cute fluff…we may be slithering really close to all the lemons, so I’m preparing my eyes and mind and soul XD they will be steamy, I guarantee !!

(If you are my sister…Do not read the lemons or I won’t look you in the eye forever >.>) 

Enjoy babies🌻~


You sat in your room folding your clothes and preparing for bed until there was a knock at your door. You got up and opened the door to see it was Pein. He gave you a charming smile. "May I come in?"

You smiled and moved aside for him. He entered taking off his cloak, revealing his built chest that is decorated with multiple piercings, and sat down on the ground motioning for you to get close. You sat in front him and noticed there was something in his hand that he was hiding behind his back.
You got a bit curious and he caressed your cheek with the other hand making you look up at him 
"I got you something”

You smiled “What’s the occasion?”

“Funny you should ask…it is your birthday isn’t it?” he said with a small smile

You were shocked as to how he knew “How did you-“

He cut you off “That is not important now…I want you to close your eyes and just trust me alright?"

You nodded and closed your eyes feeling a bit nervous. You felt him lean in removing the red ribbon from your hair and tie it around your eyes as a blindfold, then sensed him shuffle around, moving your hair behind your ears. You heard the click of a lighter then his soft voice "it will sting a bit but it will be worth it I promise you"
(Do you really trust him though?)


The anticipation was killing you until you felt a strong sharp pain in your ear lobe making you gasp in pain. He caressed your cheek to soothe you then you felt the same pain on your other lobe. He removed the blindfold and your ears felt like they were on fire. You reached out towards your ears and gasped feeling weird metal pieces in them. 
He smiled and gave you a small mirror showing you the earrings he placed on your lobes.
You blushed slightly at how cute they looked and gave him a smile.
"Beautiful as always... those earrings are made from my metallic rods. This way wherever you are, I can find you easily" he said

"Thank you Kami sama, they are beautiful" you said shyly touching the earrings slightly 

He smiled and pulled you close for a hug "just know that wherever you go and wherever you are, I will always be there to protect you. You are too precious to loose"

You cuddled into his chest hugging him tight "can I ask for another favor?"

"Anything" he said passing his hand in your hair

"Can....can you sleep over?" you asked shyly 

"Of course...anything for my angel" he said kissing your cheek softly “After all it is your birthday” He said then carried you to the bed and laid down next to you pulling you close to his bare chest. You smiled feeling his warmth envelope you

 “Zetsu found some of my old files didn’t he?” you asked sadly

Pein nodded “Sorry if this seems like I don’t trust you but you are my angel and I need to know everything about you”

You smiled “Just know that I would never do anything that would hurt you kami sama. You are my savior and all I have in this world”

He kissed your forehead and nodded

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