Trial Aftermath

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Babies the book isn’t over any time soon~ I’ll be doing a few scenarios of how the kids grow up and such because I felt the ending was too sudden and quick lol so I’ll let you savor the daddies and babies a while longer.
But updates will be slow because I don’t feel too well.

( I hate writing speeches XD hope they are good )  
Konan sprinted down the halls of the tower in Ame and burst open the door to Nagato’s office with a smile on her face. You looked up at her curiously after you were staring out the window towards the city. You’ve never seen Konan so happy before. Ever since you returned to Ame, that smile never left her face.
“You will never guess what the messenger bird has brought” She said excitedly.
Nagato smiled back to her “Go on”
She handed him a letter and you got close to see and it turns out it was an invitation for a festival in Konoha, where all nations will announce the rise of the new Peace Keeping mercenary group known as none other than the ‘Akatsuki’. Nagato couldn’t believe his eyes and ears. The trials were finally out and all the members were forgiven for their assistance in the war and in taking down all the threats when the nations most needed it.
You squealed excitedly and hugged Konan “This is the best day of my life!”
Nagato got up “Let’s pack!”
“Nagato the festival is a week away” Konan said with a chuckle and he shook his head “I’m too excited…This is all we ever wanted”  
The three of you laughed and went out drinking to celebrate earning praise form the villagers as you walked by.
The festival flooded the entire village with amazing lights and busy streets and markets. There were Shinobi’s from all over the entire world all crammed up in Konoha’s open Quarters, waiting impatiently for the new announcement. Nagato stood up on the Hokage’s tower looking down at all the people as the rest of the members sat behind him, enjoying the food and drinks. The Hokage approached the edge to address the people along with the other kages.
“A day we’ve forever waited for is finally here! We have failed to find anyone worthy of this celebration, than these spectacles you came to know and see. The world maybe still be full of conflict and hate and darkness but with their watching eyes, we believe that wars will be halted for the sake of everyone, big and little villages, the old and young. I introduce to you our new ambassadors of peace…’The Akatsuki’” Tsunade spoke, moving back for Nagato to get forward to the cheering crowd, who were happily praising him and the members none stop.
“Well I’m fucking flattered…a jashinist as an ambassador of peace” Hidan chuckled making you smile “You know…you can always join my religion, if you feel left out Hidan?”
“And what exactly would that be?” the silver haired man asked
“The Akatsuki” You answered simply and he smirked “Tch…I’ve already joined that long before you recommended” he said with a smile.
Nagato beamed, ready to address the people “I am completely flattered and overwhelmed I don’t really know what to say-“
“You’ve been talking on and on of peace since we joined…I’m sure you have something to say hm” Deidara joked making everyone laugh and Nagato smile shyly “We I’ll just say what I always say…There is no difference between us, we all share the same sunshine from the same sky….when it rains it rains on us all evenly…We’ve all seen war and had the opportunity to taste peace and unity. This is all I wish for the world. I wish to preserve this moment of history for all generations to come. Everyone will get a chance to experience this… Our children will learn to carry on our work as well! We will never rest knowing that there are people and villages out there struggling. We will do all what we can to help….We will spread ourselves thin to try and reach out to all the world…and if any conflicts take place….We will be that wall stopping it….We will be the bridge to peace!” He said confidently making everyone cheer.
You felt goose bumps rise on your back and then held his hand softly. He kissed your hand and took Konan’s hand in his as well “I’m not afraid of the weight on my shoulders…and I’m not afraid to stray any longer with my two angels watching over me. Thank you”
You chuckled “That’s three angels” You said as d/n ran to clutch on to his leg. He carried her up giving her a soft kiss on the cheek, so that she can take in this historical moment as the people bellow clapped and cheered continuously.
The festival was long and stretched out til the morning after. The Akatsuki partied hard and got shit drunk, obviously making a fool of themselves to everyone, until a fight between Deidara and Hidan broke out. You and Nagato had to stop them then eventually passed out on your beds feeling the exhaustion take over you.
It was a good day. 
According to your information, the Akatsuki were stopped and captured by the Untied Shinobi force that was formed for the sole purpose of catching them, before more assaults on villages happened. Their punishments were not as severe because they were mostly perceived as a mercenary group, who battled the prices of the main shinobi villages. Attacking Suna was the only crime they truly committed as well as stealing the tailed beasts. Bounty hunts, even though illegal, were perceived as a way that cleaned up most the lands of other criminals. Some were sentenced to prison and others were sentenced to perform some services for their villages.
Since all that was over now, you and your favorite boy could finally relax and settle down.
You reached the gates of Yugakure and sighed “Try not to kill me or anyone this time Hidan” You said to the silver haired man next to you, who was carrying s/n on his shoulder with Kakuzu after him. Hidan frowned and walked over to the gates slamming his slashed headband to the man at the gates taking in the visitor’s names. He raised his eyes and sighed “Yugakure’s infamous Hidan…of course…We heard about you coming back. Do try not to cause trouble in your stay here, please” The man said, handing Hidan a closed envelope with a new I.D. for him and s/n.
You and Kakuzu have returned to Taki a while back and apologized to Shibuki for your past crime. He welcomed you with open arms, happy that you were back to your senses and you managed to vouch for Kakuzu, being the godfather of your child. Kakuzu had to serve prison for a while to make up for the death of Fu to which he agreed. Hidan was forgiven by Yugakure by the time Kakuzu had left jail and the three of you reunited at the gates trying to plan your future. You headed into the village and s/n pulled Hidan’s hair happily “Look!!” He yelled pointing at a small park full of children playing around.
Kakuzu smirked “I’ll take him. You go get settled” He said then reached out to take s/n “Come here you bag of money” The miser teased, making s/n chuckle as he headed over to the park.
You and Hidan were baffled at how close s/n was to Kakuzu then carried on towards the house. You walked in, dropping your bags and you sighed raising your sleeves “We have so much cleaning to do… I don’t know where to begin” You said stretching your arms, until Hidan pinned you to the wall pressing his lips on your roughly. You chuckled as he went down to kiss your neck and bite your ear slightly giving you a smirk “We have the house to ourselves and all you think of is cleaning?” He said making you blush and slap his shoulder slightly “If you want a piece of me then you will have to help around” you said taking off his shirt and wrapping your hands behind his neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist “I promise… just give me at least a bit of motivation to go through with it” He said passing his lips over your neck. You nodded and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
After hours, Kakuzu returned with s/n on his shoulders, who was now asleep on the miser’ head, tired form all the running and playing. You and Hidan had already cleaned most rooms in the house and brought some food. You sat on the porch looking at the red bridge on the end of the path while eating. “Hey Hidan we need to repaint that bridge…and plant some flowers and maybe get s/n a swing”
“No…no swing we will build him a little training ground” Kakuzu suggested making Hidan frown but s/n cheered “Yes!!”
Hidan pulled the boy to him “Hey don’t agree with everything this idiot says! Tell me s/n, who do you like more Kakuzu or me?!”
You sighed “Hidan don’t make him choose”
S/n thought looking at the two men and smiled “Mommy!”
You squealed and hugged him “Ahhh!! That’s my baby boyy~”
Hidan pouted angrily and Kakuzu smirked at him, feeling a bit victorious.
The day soon ended and you headed to sleep. You lied on the bed with Hidan looking at the ceiling “Does it feel weird to sleep where your parents once slept?” You asked
Hidan sighed and closed his eyes “yeah very…I just…wonder what my dad was really like…He sounds smart”
You turned to face him “I’m sure someone around town knew him….they can tell you more…speaking of, what do you and Kakuzu plan to do regarding our income?...are you going back to bounty hunting?”
He shook his head “No I’m applying for the Yugakure Shinboi force…it is the steadiest job I can find around here… unless you want me to sell key chains for a living to dumb tourists” he said making you laugh and cuddle into his side “I’m so glad I met you…You are a pain in the butt but I still love you regardless” You said and he smirked turning to you “You want a pain in the butt? I’ll give you a pain in the butt” he said pinching you ass making you slap him playfully.
You sat on the ground dressing d/n up after her bath and drying her hair, until there was a knock at the door “Daddy!!” She screeched sprinted to the door to open before you could catch her.
She opened the door then gulped and stepped back seeing three big men looking down at her. You hurried to the door, pushing her behind you “Is this the new residence of Kakuzu?”
You squinted “Depends who wants to know?” You asked a bit skeptic by the intimidating men.
“We are sent by the village leader of Takigakure…We have orders to retrieve Y/n f/n and Kakuzu back to the village” one of them spoke showing the signed paper.
You frowned “We won’t be returning to Takigakure anytime soon…As far as I know we are wanted dead there…plus why hasn’t Konoha gave out the order” You pointed to your konoha headband “We have defected from Taki and serve a new village now”
They entered forcefully “We insist that you come with us and won’t take no as an answer…Konoha already knows we are here… the Kinjutsu you have must be returned to the village. It is not yours to claim”
You frowned “The kinjutsu scrolls got destroyed when applied. If you want to extract them from us we will die…so what is it exactly you want to do?”
They reached for their swords making it perfectly clear what they aimed for, until black tendrils wrapped around their necks snapping their spines in seconds. Kakuzu walked in with a frown “Guess who put a bounty on our heads” He said then noticed d/n hiding her face in your leg and got close kneeling next to her.
She rushed to hug him tight and you glared at the bodies “Taki wants us dead?...this will make trouble between them and Konoha for sure later on” You said, preforming some hands signs to seal the bodies in a scroll, so you can use them a decoys for your jutsu later on.
He nodded carrying d/n in his arms “Yeah I know. We might get relocated soon…but don’t worry…I’ve reconnected with all my underground colleagues. If anyone makes a single move, I will be the first to know”
“They do this because you have a lot of money now? Or are you back to bounty hunting? What about konoha’s missions?” You asked shocked closing the door  
“Hidan is taking care of the bounty hunts. That man is itching to kill and I found him a good place to do just that and earn some cash” He said, taking a seat kissing d/n’s neck softly making her giggle. You smiled then heard a knock and opened seeing Hidan storm in happily, tossing his scythe aside “I had the best slay today! I chopped about twenty fucking heads! Now I’m starving” He announced tossing silver case on the ground near Kakuzu, making you laugh and go to place the food on the table.
You thought Hidan would be an uncontrollable zealot but he turned to be very helpful around. Deep down him really wanted a family of his own and enjoyed your company. Even d/n would spend hours playing with him when he is teasing her.
“Dumpling, Nii chan?“ d/n said offering him one and he smirked “Nii chan?...oh Jashin forbid that I’d ever be related to your stupid father” He said earning a cold dangerous glare from the miser. You sighed “Any news about the rest?”
“I heard half of them are serving jail… I can’t believe weasel boy got off the hook quickly because he brought back his fucking brother tch” Hidan said and you smiled “I’m glad Itachi made it well…I need to go visit him soon and make sure he is alright”
Kakuzu frowned “I don’t like that kid… Uchihas are so full of themselves. I’d rather go checkup on Pein and Konan in Ame and see if they can open up the bounty market for us there”
Hidan rolled his eyes “LAME! If you want to see someone, you’d go all the way to Iwagakure and laugh at Deidara who is being held behind bars” he laughed making you and Kakuzu shake your head in disappointment at his immaturity.
After all that happened, you guys felt torn. Iwagakure demanded Deidara back and Kirigakure couldn’t let their tailed beast live there openly, even Sasori refused to stay in Iwa and wanted to head off to Suna.
You sat at the cross road looking at the signs in the land of fire and sighed “What do we do?...I have the Sanbi now, I can’t leave Kirigakure grounds” You said hugging d/n close.
Deidara looked at Sasori for an idea and Sasori thought “Why don’t we settle somewhere in the middle?”
“Like the land of fire un?” Deidara asked
Sasori nodded “The land of water is allied with the land of fire now…so it wouldn’t matter if y/n stays here… I’m in charge of manufacturing poisons and puppets for Suna, which doesn’t really need my constant presence there. As for you, you got your birds which are more than convenient to reach Iwagakure quick when needed”
The three of you liked the idea and informed your villages. Weeks later your answer came and each village sent the fund for you to find a decent house to settle in. It was the most convenient decision you’ve ever made because honestly none of you wanted to return to your villages and face the awful memories.
You put d/n to sleep and headed out to the porch where Deidara was siting. “Where is Sasori?”
“He is still putting up things in his workshop hm” He said with smile and you smiled back “good” then preformed a few had signs, releasing a strong wave of water slamming him into the nearby trees then charged at him. His eyes widened and he dodged your attacks “Y/n! What’s gotten into you un!” He yelled
You frowned forming a water prison around him “You think I forgot that you fucking ditched me for your art!! You left me in Iwagakure alone and forced me to go back walking!!” You teared up “You are so selfish and mean… and you think I am just going to forgive you that easily!!” You sobbed then noticed he didn’t have enough air left and let go of him “I really hate you” You spoke, wiping your tears away as he coughed then got up.

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