Time with his partner

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this is the sleepiest monday I have ever passed through! I can barely keep my eyes open so excuse this if it has spelling mistakes. I’ll proofread later on or whatever.

Here is your story…now I will go to sleepヾ( ̄0 ̄ )ノ

Enjoy babies🌻💕 ~


You couldn’t get any sleep. Pein left for an urgent mission alone and you felt like you were really down without his presence near you, considering you were stuck to him like glue. You felt sad he didn’t take you with him and missed his company and touch and how your name rolled off his tongue in the most tender voice.  You sat up and wondered down the hall heading towards his ledge to look at the city lights. You sat down on the edge contemplating upon your life and watching the small splayed out lights that appeared through the dense fog of Amegakure’s rain.

Even though the room was open to the ledge, it still smelled like him; It had that rainy and electric like scent mixed with rust. It did not smell human or natural but it brought you peace. You closed your eyes until you felt a presence behind you and quickly turned around.

“I never knew you were a sensory ninja?” a feminine calm voice was heard in the dark end of the room

You let your guard down knowing who it was “ No, I am not a sensory nin… I just have good hearing”

Konan approached you and sat down on the ledge motioning for you to sit next to her.

“So what are you doing here? Pein won’t be coming back for a while” She started making you blush at the mere mention of his name and how she says it so carelessly.

“I just couldn’t sleep and thought I would come to clear my mind”

She looked at the sky and sighed “You like him”

You looked at her with flaming cheeks “n-no!! I mean…yes! I respect him and his goals and agree with them fully… He is…my figure”

She didn’t look at you and kept staring ahead “You poor thing, you must have it bad”

You didn’t say anything and looked away “Konan please…I don’t want to cross the line”

“You are afraid of rejection? Aren’t you?” She spoke softly rubbing your back gently

You teared up and looked down making her look at you worriedly “I don’t know much about you y/n…but I could tell you have been hurt by a reliable figure you once had in your life”

“Am I that obvious?... you read me like an open book”  you said sadly then continued “It was my own father… he wasn’t … he didn’t really…”

“shh it’s ok… you don’t have to say anything if you aren’t ready to open your heart to me. Pein wanted me to get to know you more. We are both his angels now”

You looked at her “ Do you…do you like him?...am I crossing the line?”

She shook her head and gave you a smile “No… you are sincere, I can tell. You deserve all the love y/n”

You smiled “ Thank you angel”



You sighed sadly for the hundredth time as you sat in you room with Kakuzu fanning him. Your room had the best cool spot in the entire house and he thought you were the only useful member in the Akatsuki; One, because you didn’t annoy him as much as the rest did and you were calm when you weren’t fighting with hidan, and two because you followed orders well and did your job to the fullest regardless of what it was.

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