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This story will have some slightly mature scenes, No smut, but slightly mature.

This story will also touch on tender subjects some may find hard to read or slightly offensive, read at your own risk.

Enjoy lovelies 💜


"Oh come on Y/N! You have to!"

"Minnie I don't want to go to some stupid frat boys house party. You know my parents won't let me out of the house after ten."

They barely let me out of the house to go to school.

"Y/N you're an adult! Embrace it! They can't tell you that you can't go to parties! You're a college student now!"

"Goodbye Minnie."

"I won't stop until you give in and actually attend one!-"

Clicking off the phone call with your lifelong best friend you throw the device over onto your mattress and hear your mother's feet tenderly padding up the steps, her perfectly done up face meeting you with her bright red lips and endlessly judging tone.

"Everything alright dear?"

"Yeah mom. It was just Minnie."

"Ah I see, well I don't want you up too late, make sure you get some good rest for tomorrow morning."

As always.

"Alright mom, I will."

With a small nod she exits your room and shuts the door behind her as you look back down at the textbook in front of you, a small amount of excitement and anxiety coursing through your veins.

I'm closer and closer to finally reaching my goal...

Finally not being held under the thumb of my parents...soon enough...if I focus hard enough on my studies I'll be able to create the best future for myself...

Since as far back as you can remember you have known nothing but a sheltered life, your parents being so strict you are only allowed to wear clothing that covers your whole form, only able to focus on schoolwork to become successful like them.

Soon enough I'll have my own apartment and a great job...I just have to get through college...and their money is the only thing that's going to get me there.

Looking up at your own reflection in the mirror you carefully trace your fingers down the skin of your cheek and stare at the spark of fire in your eyes, your lips twisting into a small smile.

I'll be able to wear makeup...and shop for cute clothes like the other girls do at school...mother always says you can't wear makeup until you have a husband...and your clothes have to cover most of your body...

You just wait.

One day.

I'll be like Minnie and the others.

I just have to work hard first.


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