Thorin orders something off the Gondornet

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(Gandalf walks into Rivendell's main hall where Thorin is browsing the Gondornet on his elftop)

Gandalf: (Looking over Thorin's shoulder) What are you doing?

Thorin: I'm choosing a birthday present for King Thranduil. He's going to be 12,984 this year.

Gandalf: I thought you hated him!

Thorin: I don't want to be as bad as him. Also, if I give him a good present he might give me something better at my birthday party!

Gandalf: (Nods and hurries off)

Thorin: (Talking to himself) Thranduil is fabulous so he will want a fabulous present. What have we got here... Nail varnish... Necklaces... Oh! What about some posh shampoo and conditioner! That's a good idea! Now how do I buy this? Contact... About... Order! (Clicks on order) First name, Thorin. Second name, Oakenshield. Other names, son of Thráin, son of Thrór... Perhaps that's too much. Oh well!

(Five hours later)

Kili: Uncle! Why weren't you at dinner?

Thorin: I'm trying to order this blasted shampoo! ARGH!!!

Kili: Click there!

Thorin: (Clicks)

Elftop: Order confirmed.

Thorin: (Jumps on top of a table and dances) FINALLY!!!!! THRANDUIL BETTER LIKE THIS OR... OR...

Kili: Calm... Calm...

Thorin: I'm starving! What's left?

Kili: Nothing! Bombur ate all the food! Ori didn't get any!

Thorin: ARGH!!!

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