Chapter 1: Work

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Beep! Beep! The dreadful noise of my alarm goes off. I lift my hand and slam it on top of the alarm....silence. I get out of bed and do the same thing to get ready just like I do everyday. Shower, breakfast, hair, skincare, etc. Then it's time to go to work, I grab my purse, lock the door, and start walking to work. 

Halfway to work I realise I left my phone at home so I quickly ran back. As I walked up to the front door I dug through my purse to realise my keys are nowhere to be found.

"Damn my luck today..." I whisper to myself.

I decided to just go a day without my phone and just went to work. About 5 minutes later I arrived at McGuffins Bookstore. I brought my stuff to the employees locker room and put my stuff into my locker. Then got ready to open the store since it was 7:00 am.

*time skip to around 1:00 pm*

The busy hour finally just finished, but today was a special day. Besides the bad morning, but because today is the day Midas is supposed to come in to get his books like he does every month. In fact, there he is right now.

"Good morning, Sir." I said as Midas walked in.
"Good morning." Replied Midas.
"Is there perhaps anything in particular you might be looking for?" I asked.
"Well, I was looking for a book about the newest exercises and workouts..." Midas responded.
"Oh" I blurted out in a surprised tone.
"For a friend!" Midas blurted back.
"Oh, well, workout books would be found" I brought Midas over to the back right side of the store and pointed to the shelf that was full of workout books. "Any others?"
"Not at this moment." Midas replied. Midas had a wonderful voice it was kinda deep and had a little bit of a British accent.

Midas looked around the store for about 30 minutes and had 2 large stacks of books sitting on the counter waiting to be bought. I started scanning them and putting them into one of our stores reusable and recyclable bags. After I scanned the last book I looked up to see that Midas was no where to be found.

"Midas, Sir. I-is everything alright? Did you find what you were looking for?" I asked kind of worried. There was no response.
"Sir?" Still nothing...
I was the only one there working because the store never gets too many people at once except between 12pm and 1pm, but still at most 5 people at once. I glanced over at the clock and it read 1:33pm. We closed in less than 30 minutes and Midas was still no where to be found. I got up from my seat and decided to go check the bathrooms...nothing. I checked everywhere...nothing. I finally decided to go outside and saw that his quadcrasher was still parked outside. I knew for sure it was his considering it was solid gold. I went back inside and saw something sticking out from under the shelf full of workout books, Midas' glasses. I ran over to the desk I was at, grabbed the stores phone and called Midas. Luckily he was a regular customer and came in every month asking about specific titles. Otherwise we wouldn't have his number. I dialed his number and it just kept ringing until what seemed like the last ring someone finally answered the phone...

Hope you guys like the way it starts out, if you have any ideas or requests go ahead and let me know!! Love you guys!! (No homo)

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