Chapter 21: Planning a Party

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After lunch everyone went on with their normal days. The only difference was that I hung out with Midas in his office, Skye hung out with Meowscles, TNTina and Bomb hung out, leaving Maya with Brutus and Peely.

I walked to Midas' office to see him sitting at his desk, glasses on, and tapping a gold pen on his desk. He had an extremely focused face so I just came in and sat across from him at his desk. He didn't even look up, he just started writing. After writing what looked like an essay he looked up at me and smiled. He looked too cute so I just smiled back and admired his eyes.

"Hello, darling. Sorry I didn't acknowledge you when you walked in I was thinking about something." He explained.
"Your fine, I knew you were busy that's why I didn't say anything and just sat down" I told him.
"Do you need anything?" He asked.
"Nope, just wanted to come hang out with you" I answered.

He smiled and went back to working. I looked over by the window and saw two boxes full of paper with papers all around. I got up and decided I would help him by organising them. I stood up and walked over to the boxes and took all the papers out.

"What are you doing doll?" Midas asked.
"I'm helping you by organising these" I responded.
"Oh, you don't have to do that" he told me.
"I know, but you're always so busy while everyone else has nothing to do all day so I thought I could start helping you instead of watching movies all day everyday" I explained.
"Oh, thank you darling" Midas said going back to what he was doing.

I went through the boxes and organised the papers. He had important ones and then just random letters. I didn't fully read any of them I just skimmed because they seemed private. I went over to his desk and grabbed a marker and labeled one box Important and the other Not So Important. I put the more important ones in the important box and the letter like ones in the not so important one. Once I had finished I put the lids onto the boxes and stacked them nicely in the corner of his office. I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. He looked up at me and smiled. I started to look at what he was doing until he flipped the paper over hiding whatever it is was that was on the paper. I looked at him confused and he just smirked and chuckled.

"What are you working on?" I asked.
"Important things" he replied.
"Surprises that you can't know about because otherwise they wouldn't be a surprise. Don't worry doll." Midas replied as I walked over and sat across from him again.

He went back to work while I just sat there admiring his perfect features. The scar that went over his right eye, his golden eye, his cloudy eye, his sharp jawline, the glasses that brought it all together perfectly.

"Are you okay, darling?" Midas asked snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? Y-yeah I'm okay sorry" I replied blushing with an awkward snicker.
"Okay, you were staring for a while and I didn't know if you had spaced out of if you were mad" Midas explained.
"I just spaced out, I'm okay" I replied.
"Okay..." Midas said sounding very unsure.

I got up and stood over by the window and just looked outside at the water and saw TNTina and Bomb sitting at the edge with their feet in the water. They were sitting and looked like they were just chatting and hanging out. I turned and looked at Midas to see him working and thought about what it would be like to just hang out together all day with out a care in the world and not having to work. I understand that, that's what I get for dating my boss, but I love it.

"Midas, it's almost time for dinner" I told him.
"Okay, I just have to finish this paper and I'll be there." Midas responded.
"Okay, I'll sit here and wait for you to be ready and we can go to dinner together" I said as I sat back down across from him.
"I'm gonna be late, go on ahead" Midas replied.
"I'm still gonna wait" I said.
"You're so stubborn" Midas chuckled.
"I know" I giggled.

Midas finished his paper and we headed to the lounge room and sat down. We were only about 5 minutes late, but no one seemed to care. Once we sat down everyone started to dig in and chat about the day. Bomb left to go use the restroom. During this time TNTina said she wanted to throw a party for Bombs birthday at Sweaty on the beach and at the Skate park since Bomb loves skating so much. Everyone nodded their heads and Bomb came back.

After dinner everyone stayed in the lounge room and turned on a movie for everyone to watch.

"TNTina, Skye, Maya, and y/n can I see you all in my office?" Midas asked.

We all went to his office and once we were inside he sat down at his desk.

"Okay so about that birthday party" Midas started.
"Yes, she loves skating so I thought about having it at the Skate park and having it on the beach for everyone who didn't want to skate and just wanted to swim" TNTina explained.
"Sounds good to me, I will rent the skate park out for that day. Speaking of what day is her birthday?" Midas asked.
"Oh, that's really short notice" I blurted out.
"We got it, if TNTina distracts her then you, Maya and I can go set everything up" Skye suggested.
"That sounds good to me. What about presents though?" I asked.
"We can look at presents after we plan the party." Maya said.

We planned the rest of the party and at the end we talked about what we were all going to get her. TNTina is getting her vans and a new vans bag, Skye is getting her new clothes, Maya is going to get her a beanie she's apparently been wanting, I'm getting her knee and elbow pads, and we are gonna talk to the other guys about what they are going to get her.

We all went back to the lounge room. Skye went over and got Brutus, Peely, and Meowscles. They came over to us girls leaving Bomb by herself watching the movie.

"Bomb's birthday is tomorrow. What are you guys getting her?" Skye asked.
"I didn't know it was her birthday" Meowscles said.
"What do we get her?" Peely asked.
"The three of us could get her a new skateboard" Brutus suggested.
"Works for me" Meowscles agreed.
"She would love that" TNTina said.

Everyone went and sat to watch the movie while I went to my room. I grabbed my laptop and headed to Midas' office. I sat across from him and looked at beach party ideas. I looked at a whole bunch and found a lot of good ideas.

It was late and Midas looked like he was about to fall asleep in his chair.

"Let's go to bed" I told Midas as we headed to his room and got ready for bed.
"Let's sleep in your room tonight" Midas said.
"Okay" then with that we went to my room and went to sleep.

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