Chapter 38: Planning a Wedding

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Midas and I went back to his room and sat next to each other at his desk. We started looking for a good date to have the wedding. We decided to do it in about a month.

Midas started looking for openings to rent out the area for our wedding. He finally found one and it was available exactly one month away. We then started to looking for decorations and decided to go for rose gold and gold decorations. I then started looking at flowers for the wedding.

I decided on white roses. Midas looked at my screen and chuckled.

"How did I guess you were gonna do roses?" He said sarcastically.
"I don't know" I replied sarcastically.

He went back to looking at his computer. He was looking at different wines for the wedding and I looked at the price of one if them. Over 200,000 dollars!

"Midas!" I yelled.
"What?" He asked.
"That's way too expensive!" I exclaimed.
"These wines? No they aren't" he replied.
"They are over $200,000!" I stated.
"And?" He questioned.

I just looked at him completely shocked; eyes wide, jaw dropped, and speechless. He put his index finger under my chin and closed my mouth. He then leaned down and kissed me.

"Only the best" he whispered.

I just sat there looking him still shocked. He just went back to looking at the wines. I then went back to looking at my computer. I opened a new tab and started looking at wedding dresses. Midas then leaned back in his chair and I slammed my laptop closed causing him to jump.

"Woah!" Midas said startled.
"What?" I asked.
"Why did you close your laptop so eagerly?"
"Because you can't see what dresses I'm looking at"
"Oh, why not?"
"Because what if you see the one I choose?"

He then went back to looking at his computer. This time he was looking for a minister. I began looking for a DJ. After looking for about 5 minutes I decided to text TNTina to come to Midas' room.

Y/n: Hey T, come to Midas' room for a sec
TNTina: K, but y'all better not be doing anything when I come in
Y/n: We won't be
TNTina: K

"What if TNTina is our DJ?" I asked Midas.
"That would be fine, darling"
"Okay good, she's on her way so I can ask her"

About 3 minutes had passed and TNTina finally barged in. She had her hands over her eyes.

"Is it safe to look?" TNTina yelled.
"Yes T it is" I sighed.
"Okay good" she said putting her hands by her side⅕ if you wanted to be the DJ at our wedding" I stated.
"Yes! I would love to" TNTina said jumping up and down.
"Good, but that was all I needed to ask"
"Ok" TNTina replied as she left.

I looked back at my laptop and just looked at things for weddings.

After about an hour of both Midas and I booking and planning, we finally finished everything besides the invitations.

"What should the invitations look like doll?" Midas asked.
"Umm.... how about this?" I replied turning my laptop so he could see the picture.

"Then in the top right and bottom left corners I thought about having rose gold roses" I added

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"Then in the top right and bottom left corners I thought about having rose gold roses" I added.
"Perfect" he replied. "We should probably start printing them out" he added.
"Yeah probably" I agreed.

We then started talking about what they should say. Midas opened up a page on his computer and started typing. It said...

Join Y/n L/n and Midas Gold at Holly Hedges on (a month away from the day you're reading this) at 2pm to celebrate their marriage.

He then started to design the invitations to look like the one I showed him but with the rose gold roses. After he finished designing he started to print them out. There was a large pile sitting on his printer. I grabbed them and handed him half of them.

"Let's go hand these out" I said.
"Alright" He replied.

We went to the lounge room and saw Meow with Skye and Maya. I walked over to them and handed each of them an invitation. Midas and I then headed to the training room to see Brutus and Peely. Midas handed them each an invitation. We went to TNTina's room to find her and Bomb, but they weren't there. We checked Bomb's room, but they weren't there either. We decided to just leave an invitation in each of their rooms.

We went to two henchmen and told them to hand the invitations out to each henchmen. We also told them to keep one for each of them.

We headed back to Midas' room and he typed everything on his computer. He typed the date of the wedding, the decorating plans, the food plans, the drink plans, who was what, and everything else.

Once he finally finished it was almost time for dinner. We headed to the lounge room just to sit on the couch until dinner. When we got in there we saw everyone talking.

"Oh hey, we were just talking about having a bonfire at Sweaty on the beach again" Skye told us.
"Oh, fun!" I replied walking over to everyone.
"So who all wants to go? Everyone?" TNTina asked.

Everyone nodded and started grabbing stuff for hotdogs and s'mores. Once we had everything we needed we hopped into a helicopter and headed to Sweaty.

When we got there we saw that the beach was completely empty. Therefore we got the whole beach to ourselves.

Brutus and Meow got the fire started as Skye and I got the food set up on the table. It only took us about 3 minutes to get everything done. Then everyone started setting up their chairs and sat down once they finished.

I was the only one who didn't sit. I walked over to the shoreline and took my shoes off tossing them up higher onto the beach. I stood next to the water and it would wash over my feet everytime the water would rise.

I just stood there by myself as I heard everyone begin talking. I looked off to the horizon and watched as the sun got ready to set. I turned around to see everyone talking besides Midas. I didn't see him anywhere. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see Midas standing next to me. I just looked up at him and smiled. I then looked back at the sun setting and watched it fully set.

Once it was completely set and the sky was dark Midas and I began walking over to where everyone else was.

"Oh, I forgot my shoes, I'll be right back" I told Midas as I ran back to get my shoes.

Midas' POV

Y/n went to get her shoes as I sat down in my chair which was right next to hers. Everyone was in conversation so I just sat quietly waiting for y/n.

It had been about 3 minutes and she didn't come back. I stood up and went back to where I last saw her and looked around. I didn't see her anywhere on the beach.

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