Chapter 69: Terrible Morning

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I woke up and jumped out of bed causing Midas to wake up. I ran into his bathroom and threw up into the toilet.

"Darling is everything al- oh let me help" Midas said running over to me.

He pulled my hair back and held it for me as I kept throwing up. Midas grabbed a hair tie of mine off of the counter and pulled my hair back. He grabbed a cup and filled it with water.  He handed it to me and I began drinking some water.

"Thank you" I said.
"Anything dear, now are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah I think I'm alright" I replied.

I started cleaning myself up and flushed the toilet. Midas helped me stand up and I started getting ready for the day. By the time I was ready I felt completely normal, just morning sickness.

Wait, morning sickness, abnormal amounts of bathroom breaks, extra hungry. Am I pregnant? I sat down on Midas' bed and began thinking. He didn't use protection and I'm not on the pill. At our honeymoon we...he didn't.....I didn't.... I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts by Midas' voice.

"Darling, you're pale and you're sweating are you sure you're alright?" He asked.
"Actually I'm not too sure"
"Why's that?"
"So two days ago I was hungrier than normal but I didn't think anything of it"
"Yesterday I had a lot more bathroom breaks than usual"
"Today morning sickness"
"Where's this going?"
"Midas, I think I'm pregnant"
"Wait, am I going to be a dad?" He said smiling.
"I'm not sure, but you could be" I replied.
"Oh, I hope I am. That is if you're ready"
"Yes, I am"
"I might be a dad, I might be a dad" Midas kept dancing around.
"Shhh, we don't want people to think I'm pregnant if I end up not being pregnant"
"Sorry, we should go get coffee and you're breakfast" he said.

I nodded and we walked to the lounge room. When we got in there everyone else was making their breakfasts. I made my coffee and got myself some fruit, granola, and yogurt. I brought my things to the table and sat down with everyone. We all ate our breakfast and had our own conversations.

"When did the nurse say he would have the results?" I asked.
"Tomorrow" Midas replied.
"Oh, is there a way to get them quicker?" I wondered.
"Most likely not" he responded.
"Dang, but at least today is our day off" I told him.
"Hey M, got any plans for today?" Brutus asked.
"Nope, you guys?" Midas replied.
"We could go to Sweaty since we haven't done that in a while" Skye suggested.
"Sounds good to me" I agreed.
"Me too" Meow added.
"Then let's go to Sweaty today, I'll call the cleaners to come by and clean the Agency while we are gone so everyone will have to leave besides a few henchmen of course" Midas stated.
"Yay, I'm going to get ready" TNTina said as her and Bomb got up and left.

I stood up and started to leave the table when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turned around to see Brutus holding my wrist.

"Brutus?" I asked.
"Yeah, I need to talk to you" he replied.
"What's up?"
"If you don't mind I need to speak in private so follow me"
"I don't mind at all"

Brutus lead me to his room which was very dark and kinda creepy. It was also a little messy.

Brutus closed and locked his bedroom door. He turned around and smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow in confusion at him. He began walking towards me and I backed up slowly. I bumped into his desk and he was now right next to me.

He reached around me and grabbed two pairs of handcuffs. He picked me up and tossed me down onto his bed. I tried to fight him and get away from his grip but I couldn't. He used one pair of handcuffs on each hand and handcuffed me to his bed.

"Brutus what are you doing!?" I yelled.

He didn't respond instead he unzipped his pants. I began moving around trying to get away even though I knew I couldn't.

"Help! Somebody! Anybody! Midas!" I began screaming.
"Be quiet!" Brutus yelled at me.
"Y/n? Brutus? What's going on in there?" Midas asked.
"Y/n's just helping me with something" Brutus replied pulling his member out of his pants.
"Midas help!" I yelled.
"Brutus what are you doing? Open the door!" Midas yelled.
"Nothing, she's overreacting"
"I'm overreacting! Your the one who took out your-" I was interrupted by Brutus taping my mouth shut.
"Y/n I'm coming in!" Midas yelled
"Good luck on that!" Brutus scoffed and got on the bed.

I closed my eyes tightly. I opened them back up to find myself sitting on Midas' bathroom floor.

"Darling?" Midas worriedly spoke.
"Yeah, what happened?" I asked.
"You were throwing up and then blacked out for about 10 minutes" he explained.

Everything that just happened was all from me blacking out. Every single part of it. I felt my hair with my hand which was pulled back into a low ponytail. I looked around and didn't see the glass of water. That means everything from Midas getting me a glass of water on, was fake. None of it happened at all.

"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm alright" I replied.

Midas got up and got a glass of water for me. I drank it all slowly and then cleaned myself up. Midas and I then began to get ready for the day.

This means that Midas doesn't realise that I could be pregnant. During my blackout I realised I could be, but he doesn't know what I thought while I had blacked out.

When we finished getting ready for the day my earpiece buzzed. I tapped it and the nurse began speaking.

"Y/n, I have your test results. They came in early"

So, what did you guys think? Yesterday was a boring chapter so I thought I'd make this one fun.

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