Chapter 13: You Can Trust Me

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"TNTina what's wrong?" I asked as she turned around and just pointed.
I started walking to where she was pointing until Midas stretched his arm out in front of me. He walked in front of me as if to protect me from whatever it was. We slowly walked until Midas came to a stop by the window. I walked around Midas and looked down at Skye sitting on the floor.
"Skye, what happened?" I asked looking at her forehead where it was bleeding.
"I- I don't remember all I remember is Meowscles leaving to go get bandages and med kits for the medical room and one for me to use on my head. I don't know how I hurt my head though." Skye replied.
"Then Meowscles should be back soon." I responded.
"He should be back by now, he left 10 minutes ago." Skye explained.
I looked up at Midas and he just nodded. He walked over to henchmen and told them to go look for Meowscles to make sure he was alright.
"I hope he's okay..." Skye pleaded while tears were forming.
"Don't cry, he's okay he probably just forgot where the extra bandages are." I explained trying g to calm her down.
"Yeah, you're probably right." Skye agreed.

After a while of searching for Meowscles they said they couldn't find him anywhere, by this Skyes wound had now scabbed over and no longer needed a bandage.

"Did you check in the training room?" Midas asked.
The henchmen just nodded.
"What about the vault?" I asked.
"We weren't granted access so we couldn't check." The henchmen explained turning to me.
"Here," I said as I waved my hand for him to follow me.
He followed me to the vault and I opened it to see Meowscles sitting on the floor fidgeting with his fingers.
"Meowscles!" I yelled running over to him.
"Oh thank goodness I thought I was gonna be stuck in here for a couple days. Is Skye okay?" Meowscles asked.
"Yes her wound wasn't as severe as the blood made it look and it just scabbed over on its own." I explained.
We both grabbed med kits and bandages and told the henchmen to bring them to the medical room.
"What happened to Skye?" I asked.
"Skye and I were in the training room playing tag and she slipped and hit her head on a dumbbell I had forgotten to put away. I brought her up to the window and set her down and told her I'd be right back with a bandage to help her. I ran to the medical room and asked for a bandage and they said they were out. Then I ran down to the vault and got some med kits and bandages for Skye and the medical room but as I was collecting them the vault door started closing and I wasn't able to make it out before it closed. Then you found me." Meowscles explained.
"Oh, well Skye is still by the window with TNTina and Midas. TNTina looked pretty scared for Skye." I replied.

We finally made it back to Skye and Meowscles ran over to her hugging her.

"Sorry I got stuck in the vault it closed on me while I was collecting med kits and bandages for the medical room."
"Its fine, it's not your fault."
"Yeah actually it is. When you fell you hit your head on a dumbbell I forgot to put away. I didn't mean for you to get hurt." He explained while hugging her.
I didn't even realize Midas walk over to me until he put his arm around my waist. I looked up at him and we just smiled at each other.
"You guys are making me feel even more single" TNTina exclaimed.
Everyone just giggled.
"We will find you someone tomorrow when we are out. Won't we y/n?" Skye said as we winked at each other.
"Oh no..." TNTina replied.

*time skip to that evening in the lounge room*

We all sat together on the couch and talked about the next day. We even made plans for next week Sunday when we were off again. I looked over at Midas and saw that he looked sad. I got up and sat next to him. He didn't budge or acknowledge me.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked.
He just nodded his head facing away from me so I didn't see his face.
"No, you're not. Midas what's wrong?" I asked concerned.
He didn't stay anything but I saw a tear fall from his eye and run down his cheek, he quickly wiped it away hoping I didn't notice.
"I'm fine," he said in a stern voice and got up and left.
"Guys I'm gonna go I'll be right back." I told everyone.
"Everything okay?" Skye asked.
"Yeah.... I hope" I answered.
"What do you mean you hope?" TNTina asked.
"Midas seems to be in a bad mood." I replied.
"Oh, let me know what happens" TNTina spoke softly.
"I will" I responded as I walked out of the room to go find Midas.
I went to his office first to see if he was in there, but he wasn't. I went to go look in his room but he wasn't there either. I asked henchmen if they had seen him and they pointed to the front entrance and he was quickly walking out. I ran up to him and stood in front of him. He had lines on his face from where tears had fallen, yet he still tried to look as if he hadn't cried.
"Midas, something is wrong. Tell me, you never cry" I pleaded.
He just let out a big sigh.
"Not here" he said grabbing my hand and walking to the boat.
We got into the boat and drove off to the lighthouse and sat near the lighthouse looking at the sunset. We sat there for a couple minutes before he just sighed again.
"Midas what's wrong?" I asked.
"I got a call earlier..." Midas started but just sighed and let another tear fall from his eye.
I looked at him concerned and waited patiently until he was ready to tell me.
Then he began...

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