Chapter 19: Perfection?

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The next morning in the lounge room the girls, including Bomb, were all sitting eating breakfast together. I got my breakfast and sat over by the girls.

"Good morning y/n" Bomb said.
"Good morning, how did you sleep?" I asked.
"Good, I slept with TNTina and she was so nice. I don't know how I could repay her, she made my breakup so much better" Bomb explained making TNTina blush.
"You made mine a lot better too" TNTina replied now making Bomb blush.
"Hey, are you busy today?" TNTina asked Bomb.
"No" Bomb replied.
"You wanna go to Sticks for lunch?" TNTina asked Bomb.
"I'd love to!" Bomb said grinning.

Skye, Maya, and I smiled to each other as TNTina and Bomb kept talking to each other.

"It think they are perfect for each other" I told them.
"Me too" Skye agreed.
"I never thought she would date a girl. Which I'm fine with but I just didn't expect that from her." Maya added.
"Me neither but it seems perfect for her" I agreed.

Lunch time came around and Midas asked me if I wanted to go to Softdeez with Meowscles and Skye. I of course said I would love to. The four of us left and headed for Softdeez, when we got there Midas and I sat next to each other while Skye sat across from me and next to Meowscles.

"Double date!" Skye said.
"Yay!" I replied.

The guys just chuckled as we gave them looks and giggled. Skye and I talked about TNTina and Bomb when the guys finally joined in.

"What do you guys know about Bomb?" Midas asked.
"She's nice, trusting, caring, perfect for TNTina" Skye replied and I nodded.
"So she isn't like Riot?" Meowscles asked.
"NO, No Nooooo" Skye and I said shaking our heads.

When we all finished we went back to the Agency and saw TNTina and Bomb laughing together.

"They look so happy!" Skye told me.
"Yeah, I'm so happy for her!" I replied.
"Oh, hey guys! Bomb and I made it official we are girlfriend and girlfriend now!" TNTina said looking at Bomb as she nodded.
"Yep we did at lunch today and I was so happy when she asked" Bomb added looking at TNTina.
"I'm so glad you guys found each other" I told them.
"Me too, it makes me happy that one if my best friends found someone" Skye added.
"We will let you guys go now" I told TNTina and Bomb.
"Okay" Bomb said while they walked off to TNTina's bedroom.
"Actually Bomb can I see you in my office?" Midas asked.
"Sure" Bomb replied walking with Midas to his office.

About 10 minutes later Bomb came out with a smile on her face.

"I got the job of working on technology! I get to upgrade your guy's earpieces! I thought about adding some music feature so you can listen to music while training or fighting. What do you guys think? Oh, I also got one too so if you need me you can contact me with it." Bomb explained.
"I think that's genius, I always want to listen to music when I'm training" TNTina replied.
"Yeah, but I'm not too sure Midas would like the idea of that because we may not hear his voice over the music" I told Bomb.
"Then, I can make it to where when someone is trying to talk to you, your music stops and then they start talking" Bomb said smiling.
"That'll work" Skye agreed.
"Just remember to talk to Midas first so he doesn't get mad" I told Bomb and she nodded.
"I'll go talk to him about it right now" Bomb started to walk to Midas' office.
"Wait, I can talk to him about it" I suggested.
"Good idea, Midas seems to have trouble telling you no" TNTina teased.
"That's not why, I have other things I want to talk to him about. I'll mention Bombs idea and see what he thinks and I'll let you guys know. Until then, why don't you help Bomb decorate her room" I suggested.
"Good idea" Skye squealed grabbing TNTina and Bombs hands dragging them to Bombs room.

I walked to Midas' office and walked in to see him with his glasses on. He already looked overly perfect, but with glasses was another level of overly perfect.

"Yes, doll?"
"I was wondering if we had any missions at all this week" I asked.
"So far, no. We might have some pop up." Midas answered.
"Oh ok. Just seems boring lately. Also, Bomb had a really good idea for the earpieces" I started.
"Oh really, what is that?" Midas asked.
"She wanted to add a music setting to them so when we were training or whatever we could listen to music. Then whenever someone would start to talk the music would pause until the conversation was over. Then after the conversation it would play the music again. I think it's a really goo-"
"Ya- wait what?"
"We don't need music" he answered.
"No? But us girls were all talking together and said how it would help us all be even better"
"Really?" Midas asked unbelievably.
"Yeah, it helps me even more since I used to be a dancer" I replied.
"You, were a dancer?" He took his glasses off and looked at me surprised.
"Yep, I still dance just not when anyone is around" I answered.
"Why, I bet you're a really good dancer, darling" Midas sat back intrigued.
"I'm not as good as I was when I was a teenager" I replied.
"You were really good at the party when we were dancing together"
"That's different, one I was dancing with you in a crowd so not by myself. Second that's not the same type of dancing I used to do"
"Then what kind of dancing did you do?" Midas asked.
"Tap, Ballet, and Jazz" I answered.
"What an interesting combination" Midas stated.
"I stopped taking dance lessons when I graduated high school"
"That wasn't too long ago then"
"No, not really but-"
"I'd like to see you dance"
"I have videos of me when I danced before" I mentioned.
"I'd like to see those too" Midas added.
"Ok, but is that a yes on the music setting for the earpieces?" I asked smiling.
"Yeah, I guess" he caved.
"Yay! Thank you" I kissed him and ran out of the room to Bombs new room.

The girls were on her laptop ordering everything online just like they did for my room.

"He said you could add the music setting" I said.
"Nice, I'll have it done by tomorrow night" Bomb replied.
"What are you making the theme of your room?" I asked.
"Tropical and skating. I was planning on hanging up some decks, the board part of a skateboard, and things like that" Bomb replied.
"Nice" I said sitting next to the girls.

After about another hour we were finished and the henchmen started bringing everything in and decorating it the way she wanted it. She must've loved skating a lot. She had skateboards, skates, and roller blades everywhere. She even had a fake tree in the corner with tropical things everywhere. It was also extremely colorful which I could tell Skye approved of.

"Its perfect" Bomb said once it was finished.
"Just like you" TNTina said putting her arm around Bombs shoulder.

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