Chapter 30: What's Happening to Me?

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It was finally time for dinner. Midas grabbed my hand and we held hands as we walked to the lounge room. Everyone slowly came in and sat down. As soon as everyone was seated we all started to eat.

For some reason my hands all of a sudden started to hurt. I set everything down and looked at my hands.

"Doll, what's wrong?" Midas asked.
"I'm not sure, my hands just hurt really bad"

We looked at each other confused and worried. They started to hurt worse by the second. The rose gold also started spreading up my arms. Once the rose gold got to my face that's when everyone looked at me.

"Y/n you good?" TNTina asked.
"I don't know" I replied looking at my hands.

Everyone sat in silence watching me slowly become rose gold. My hands were hurting so bad, I've never felt this much pain before. Then, my head started aching. I put my hands onto the sides of my head.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Midas asked again.
"My head is throbbing and my hands are hurting, a lot"

I sat there with my eyes clenched closed and my hands rubbing my temples. I stood up to go to my room but my leg had the same sharp pain so I almost fell until Midas caught me. He picked me up bridal style and brought me to his room.

He laid me on his bed and went to go get the nurse. I stood up from his bed and went into his bathroom I leaned up against his counter propping myself up with my hands. I looked at my self to see that my eyes had turned rose gold. I also noticed the rose gold had gone back down to my hands.

My head and hands were still throbbing and so was my leg. I limped back over to Midas' bed. I sat down and Midas came in with the nurse.

The nurse walked over to me and checked my eyes, ears, and mouth. He then asked me what was wrong and I explained to him. He looked confused and said he would run a few tests. After about 10 minutes the nurse left to run the tests.

Midas sat down next to me and started rubbing my back. I started to stand up until Midas pulled me back down to sit. He handed me a glass of water and some medicine for my headache. I drank the water and took the medicine. I looked at him and he looked into my eyes.

"Your eyes they're no longer y/e/c, they're rose gold" Midas said.
"I know, I looked in the mirror when you went to get the nurse" I replied standing up.

I limped over to the door but before I could get there Midas swooped me up and carried me bridal style.

"Where to?" He asked smirking.
"Outside, fresh air might help"
"Got it"

Midas then carried me outside and we sat on a bench together. My head and hands were still hurting extremely bad.

Then all of a sudden my ears started ringing and my vision went blurry to black. I started seeing Shadow Midas in a room standing next to a board. The board had a picture for each agents faces. Each picture had a note on it, mine was the longest with hearts. While everyone else's had X's. Am I having a vision? What's happening?

"Y/n? Darling?" Midas said.

I shook my head and quickly stood up I looked around and for some reason got the urge to run. I looked at Midas who was standing up. I looked over to the water and ran down to the edge of the water. I could hear Midas following me.

"Y/n where are you going?" Midas asked.
I turned around to face him, "To kill Shadow Midas. He is plotting something against all of us. I just had a vision of it, I-"

Midas' POV

Y/n just dropped down to the ground.

"Y/n!" I yelled.

I ran over to her and picked her up. She was slowly turning to full rose gold. I carried her up to the medical room as quickly as I could. I laid her down on the bed and the nurse came over immediately. He checked for a pulse and looked at me.

"She's barely breathing" he told me.
"Help her" I told him.

He started doing a lot of stuff while I stood there watching y/n to see if she opens her eyes.

After about 5 minutes y/n's eyes started to slowly open.

"Darling?" I said.
"M-midas? Ugh my head and my hands... what happened?" Y/n asked.

My head and hands were hurting extremely bad.
"Everyone was eating dinner and you said your hands began hurting then your head started hurting. You then went to get up and leave but almost fell because of your leg. I caught you and brought you to my room. We went outside and sat at a bench when you started staring off into space. You got up and started running to the edge of the water saying you had a vision and then collapsed" Midas explained.

I looked at him shocked. I tried to think about everything but couldn't remember. I looked at my hands and they looked normal but felt terrible. I stood up and walked over to the mirror in the medical room and saw my eyes were now rose gold. Then I remembered everything that had happened. I felt a sharp pain in my leg again causing me to fall against Midas.

"Nurse, can y/n have some crutches?" Midas asked.
"Yes sir" the nurse responded as he left to get the crutches.

I groaned about the fact that I needed them. The nurse handed me the crutches and I grabbed them. We left the medical room and went to my room.

I sat down on my bed and thought about the day I had just had. Midas sat next to me and rubbed my back while I thought. My headache was finally going away and my hands still hurt just not nearly as bad as they did.

We eventually got ready for bed and went to sleep.

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