Chapter 33: His Good Mood, My Bad Luck

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The henchmen nodded and went to take care of Shadow Midas' body. Midas and I walked inside to his room. I went to his bathroom and hopped into the shower.

Once I had finished my shower I dried off, but realised I had forgotten my pajamas in Midas' room. I wrapped the towel around me and opened the bathroom door. I saw Brutus, Meowscles, and Midas standing there looking at me.

I immediately closed the door extremely embarrassed, but at least I had a towel around me. I heard a knock on the door.

"Love, do you need anything?" Midas
"I left my pajamas in your room" I replied.
"I'll get them for you" Midas told me as he went to get them.

He came back and opened the door enough to stick his arm into the bathroom. I grabbed my pajamas out of his hands.

"Thank you"
"You're welcome doll"

I quickly got dressed and walked into his room. Brutus and Meowscles were still in the room.

"I liked ya better the other way" Brutus said looking at me.

Midas looked at him with a face on anger. I stood there blushing from embarassment. Brutus looked at Midas and had a face of fear for about half a second.

"I was only joking, all jokes" Brutus blurted quickly regretting what he had just said
"Let's get back on topic" Meowscles said trying to brake the awkward situation.

The guys went back to talking while I laid on Midas' bed watching The 100.

About 30 minutes later I had started to get tired and the guys finished talking. Meowscles and Brutus left and Midas went to take a shower.

*the next morning*
I woke up to Midas sitting at his desk. He looked happier than usual. I just laid there watching him work silently. He eventually looked up and saw me watching him.

"Good morning darling. How long have you been awake?" Midas asked.
"About 10 minutes" I answered.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Because if you knew I was awake I'd have to grt up and go, but I wanted to admire your handsomeness" I replied.
Midas just chuckled and went back to work. I got up and started getting ready for the day.

Once I finished I plopped down in the chair across from his desk. Of course I barely missed the chair, but still did causing me to hit the floor with a thud. Midas stood up and ran to where I was sitting on the ground laughing.

"Are you okay?" Midas asked concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine I just missed the chair" I giggled.
"Okay?" Midas questioned as he reached his hand out.

I grabbed his hand and he helped me stand up. I sat down in the chair and he went back to work. I realised he didnt have his coffee, so I got up and headed for the lounge room.

When I got in there I made Midas his daily coffee and headed back to his room. I walked in and set the coffee down on his golden coaster. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you darling"
"You're welcome" I replied giving him a kiss.
"How come you're working in here instead of your office?" I asked.
"My office is being cleaned today so I wanted to stay out of the way" Midas replied.
"Oh, makes sense" I said sitting back down. "Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked.
"Umm.... you could help me sign these papers" he replied.
"I can't sign for you that's kind of illegal"
"Not if I give you a stamp of my signature and you read then to me and I just say yes or no" Midas replied.

I grabbed his stamp and the pile of papers. He kept typing on his computer while I read the papers. If he said yes I would stamp his signature onto the paper if he said no I would set them aside. We did this for about an hour because there was a very large stack of papers.

"That's all" I told him.
"Already? That was quick, they normally take me a lot longer. Plus, I even got this done on here. You should help me a lot more often. Then we can hang out more, doll." He said looking at me.
"I'd love to, I mean it's not like I have anything else to do" I replied.
"Great! I have one more thing to do for the day and then I'm done for the week."
"Good because tomorrow is Sunday, our day off"

Midas started writing things down. I got on my phone to make some playlists for training and fighting. Then, I could play them on my earpiece.

Midas finished working before I finished my last playlist. I only had to add three more songs.

"I am finished. What are you doing darling?" Midas asked.
"Making some playlists"
"What for?"
"To listen to when training or fighting. You should try fighting with music it might help"
"I don't need music when fighting"
"Have you ever tried listening to music when fighting?" I asked.
"Then how do you know that it wouldn't help?"
"I don't"

I just chuckled and added the last song to my playlist. I set my phone down and we both got up to head to the lounge room. Everyone was already in there talking about their plans for tomorrow.

Everyone was talking about the Travis Scott concert and how they wanted to go. Especially TNTina and Bomb, they wanted to go the most.

"If everyone wants to go to the concert so bad why don't we all go together?" Midas asked.
"The tickets are a little expensive" Skye sighed.
"I'll buy everyone tickets" Midas said.
"Really?!?" Skye squealed.
"Yeah, it's no big deal" Midas shrugged.
"No big deal! This is supposed to be the best concert yet!" TNTina exclaimed.
"Good, then we shall all have a good time" Midas replied.

Midas must've remembered something because he quickly turned around and said, "crap."
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
"I forgot to call and have the helicopters cleaned. I'll call then right now" he replied.
"I already called to have them cleaned" I said. 
He turned towards me and smiled, "I'm not sure what I would do without you y/n, you're the best doll" he whispered.

I am super happy with the way this turned out. Just a painting I did the other day of Midas' perfect eyes. Just wanted to know what you guys thought and if you had any Midas Painting ideas I could do. If you do I will paint it the best that I can and tag you in it when I post it lolz!! Also, what are some good songs that should be on the readers playlist?

 If you do I will paint it the best that I can and tag you in it when I post it lolz!! Also, what are some good songs that should be on the readers playlist?

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