Chapter 3: Something's Really Wrong

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I sat up on my bed and looked around the dark room. I turned on my light and everything was normal. I closed my curtains and locked my room door just to make sure. Then, I heard a knock on my window, but my window is on the second story of my house. Knock...Knock...knock... I slowly walked over to the window and open the curtains to see...nothing. Knock...Knock...Knock... on my other window. I walked over to the other window and opened the curtains to see...fingerprints on my window. I opened my window and stuck my head out to get a better angle to look around but saw no one, anywhere. I closed my window and my curtains and laid back down. I grabbed my book and started to read...slowly falling asleep.
I shoot out of bed and ran over to my window ripping the curtains open...nothing. This time I decided to close my curtains and go outside. I heard the knocking once more as I walked around the wall of my house I saw...Midas?

"Midas what...what are you doing?" I asked feeling unsure about everything happening.
"Thank goodness you heard me. I need your help" he says as he grabs my arms and rushed me inside.
"What's going on?"
"The-they are coming to get me and I need somewhere to stay for the night because I can't stay at the Agency." Midas said with worry in his eyes. I never realized how beautiful his eyes were until now. Or how large the scar is on his grey and cloudy eye. His hair looked so soft and yet perfectly combed over.
"Y/n?!?" Midas said almost yelling snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Midas you can't stay here Meowscles and Brutus and them are worried about you and-"
"How do you know Meowscles and Brutus" Midas said cutting me off.
"You have piles of books at the bookstore and you randomly disappeared and I went to the Agency to ask if you wanted your books and they gave me your card to get the books and bring them back for yo-"
"They gave you my CARD?!?" He said extremely shocked.
" get the books and then to return the card along with th-the books" I stuttered out.
I wake up to my everyday alarm, but confused this time. Was that all a dream? I asked yourself as I looked around seeing my book. Nope just the part after reading my book. I looked at the clock. Time to get ready for work.

Once I got to work I saw the piles of books still sitting in the bags. I grabbed the card out of my purse and rang it all up....$256.89 worth of books. I wish I could afford to spend that much on just books, but I mean the Agency has statues upon statues and gold everywhere. I called my co-worker and asked if they could come in and work my shift. They agreed and as soon as they got their I grabbed the 2 bags and left. Headed for the Agency, this trip was gonna be a lot more dreadful considering I now had to carry 2 heavy bags of books. Well, I could borrow Calamity's quadcrasher if she didn't mind that is. I grabbed my phone and called her and before the call was over she showed up on her quadcrasher.
"Thanks Calamity."
"No problem, if you need anything remember I'm always here"
"Ok thanks!" I said as she ran off and I put the 2 bags on the back. Then I hopped on and drove off to the Agency.

I pulled up to the water and saw that his boat wasn't there. Crap! I grabbed my phone and dialed the Agency.

Hello this is the Agency how may I help you.
Hi, I need a ride across the water if possible I have a book delivery.
Uh...yeah ok I'll send a henchman over in a boat.
Okay thanks.
No problem.

Then I saw a henchmen driving a boat over to me. I grabbed the bags of books and hopped into the back of the boat. He drove me over and I thanked him and hopped out walking to the entrance. I walked up to the front desk and asked for Meowscles. About, 3 minutes later Meowscles walked to where I was and took the bags and the card.
"Anything new on Midas?" I asked not actually expecting an answer.
"No." Meowscles said in a sad tone.
"You'll find him." I said trying to encourage him. He just smiled and walked away.
I really wondered what it was like to work here, sounds a lot better than a bookstore I'll give it that.
"Random question... are you guys looking for anyone to work here I was looking for a new and interesting job and though this could work." I said with a smile on my face.
"Yes we are looking for new magnets but without Midas here I'm not sure if I can't give you and application." She said hesitantly.
"I can interview her." Meowscles said walking back into the area we were in.
"I'm not so sure-"
"Why not?" Meowscles interrupted her.
"Please!" I almost begged looking at her.
She sighed and started typing until the printer next to her started printing. She grabbed the papers and handed them to Meowscles. We looked at each other he walked away and I started following him.

About 2 hours later the interview was finally over.
"You passed everything purrrfectly." He said in amazement.
"So I got the job?" I hesitantly asked.
"Yeah, meow sure did." He meowed. "Come meet everyone agent y/n l/n."

He walked me to a new room and handed me an earpiece that I immediately put into my ear. He tapped on his and called everyone into the conference room which must have been the one I were in since everyone started to pile in seeing me and looking extremely confused.

"Hi, I'm y/n l/n. The newbie here." I said with a little wave.
"Hi I'm Skye! Nice to meet you." Skye cheered as she jumped up and gave me a hug. She looked about 15 years old.
"What's up. I'm TNTina you can call my TNT or T or Tina as long as we're friends." She giggled as she nudged my arm with her first in a friendly manner.
"Hey, I'm Maya." She said as she stuck her hand out to me. I grabbed it and shook it while giving her a smile.
"You know us three already." Brutus said while the girls looked at us confused.
"I'll explain later." The three girls nodded their heads.
We all sat down and Meowscles talked about everyone going to the bookstore and searching the area while keeping the earpieces on so everyone could hear everything. He kept going on and on into more details and what to do. He dismissed everyone to the armory which I have no idea where that's at. Skye grabbed my head and lead me there which helped but I didn't really have a gun. Skye grabbed her grappled and AR and handed be a Tactical Shotgun. All the guns were the best of the best. TNTina handed me a couple grenades while Maybe handed me a knife for backup if needed. We all piled into the helicopters and were dropped off in Retail Row where the bookstore was and the henchmen flew the choppers back off to the Agency. We searched the whole town and area for about 2 hours and didn't find anything until Skye screamed...not just any scream but a blood curtailing scream...

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