Chapter 11: Painful Revenge

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Midas' POV

I immediately stood up and grabbed my drum gun and started running to the box factory. Lucky enough for me it wasn't too far away from Retail Row. I stopped at the little shack that was up the hill from the factory to cetch my breath and think about a plan.

Once I thought about a plan I headed for the box factory. I snuck around to the side and climbed the stairs and looked through a window. I couldn't see y/n but I did see any other woman. I went to another window and then I could see y/n. The woman walked over to y/n and slapped her making the gold rise to my shoulders. I could see y/n's earpiece laying on a table in the corner of the room.

Y/n was strapped to the chair unable to help herself or stop the woman. I aimed my gun at her shoulder and shot her shoulder multiple times causing her to fall over. I hopped inside through the window and ran over to y/n trying to install her until I felt something hit the back of my head, knocking me out.

I woke up while the woman was strapping me into another chair. She had strapped my arms down, but not my legs. I used my leg and swing it under hers causing her to fall over. I didn't know what to do from there considering my arms were both strapped. I looked over at y/n na she was tapping her ear with her shoulder. I did the same and my earpiece was still in my ear. I tapped it with my shoulder causing it to turn on so I could tell the Agency where we were. I tapped it three times signaling to the Agency that we need help and to come to our location, lucky enough for us doing this caused the GPS on my earpiece to turn on.

The woman stood back up and slapped me across the face. She tried to strap my legs to the chair, but have up when I kept moving them too much.

"Who are you?" I asked.
"I already told you." She responded.
"Her name is-" before y/n could finish she was slapped.
"Don't touch her!" I yelled.
"I'm gonna do whatever I want to do. In fact, your really cute." She responded in a seductive way.
She came over and sat on my lap and started kissing my neck.
"Stop, get off of me!" I yelled and tried to get her off of me.
"Why would I do that?" She asked as she started playing with my hair.
I looked over at y/n who was furious. She was fully rose gold. I kept trying to get her off of me, but I didn't have any luck since my hands were strapped to the chair. She finally got off of me and then went over to y/n.
"You know y/n and I used to be best friends. Until she ruined it one day."
"YOU ruined it Dusk! You changed and I didn't like the way you changed, you acted different so I got new friends and started over with my life!" Y/n started tearing up.
"And you haven't changed look at you, you're metal and so is this freak" Dusk said as she pointed at me.
"Well for being a freak I sure love him and you" she started pulling at the straps as hard as she could, " you just tried kissing him!" Y/n was crying now.
"Boo hoo hoo" Dusk pretended to pout.
"Just wait and you'll see who the freak is Dusk!" Y/n yelled at her.
I felt terrible nonviolent do anything to help her besides wait for the agents to get here.
"I'm bored let's have some fun!" Dusk said pulling out a knife. "This is a game I like to call....revenge. One strike for until I think you have enough."
She took the knife and cut y/n's leg, "one"
"Stop!" I yelled as y/n groaned in pain.
"Two" as she cut another.
"Please!" I yelled at Dusk.
She just looked at me and smiled, "three" with another cut.
"Don't hurt her do it to me please stop doing this to her!" I pleaded.
"But you didn't do anything besides be cute. You're punishment will be after y/n's. Actually ill pause in hers and do yours."
I looked over at y/n, the cuts were pretty feels and were bleeding a lot. I looked back at Dusk as she sat back onto my lap and started kissing me. I kept moving my head to avoid her until she grabbed my head to where I couldn't move it. Y/n just watched and grew angrier by the second. I finally got out of her grasp and head butted her causing her to fall off of me.
"You jerk!" She screamed then slapped me. "You can have y/n's punishment" she grabbed her knife and cut thirteen deep cuts into my thigh like she did with y/n. I looked over at y/n and saw blood all over the bottom of her white dress.

I finally heard helicopters outside after a couple minutes. I looked over to y/n to see her just sitting their looking the cuts as they bled out. The agents all came barging in with henchmen and Brutus caught Dusk while the girls helped y/n and Meowscles helped me. Once I was unstrapped Meowscles helped me walk over to y/n.
"Y/n are you okay?" I asked.
"Not really, I don't feel good at all" She explained.
Meowscles picked her up and TNTina and Skye put my arms over their shoulders and helped me walk to the helicopter. One helicopter took Dusk to be locked away in the Shark while the rest went back gotten Agency.


We finally made it back to the Agency where Midas and I went up to the medical room to be bandaged up.
"Tonight was great other than being kidnapped by Dusk." I told Midas.
He looked sad and had an expression of guilt.
"This isn't your fault Midas"
"Yes it is, if I hadn't left you at the blanket then this wouldn't have happened."
"You didn't know" I got up and limped over to Midas and gave him a hug.
My leg that was cut didn't hurt anymore it was my leg that was shot that still hurt a little when I walked. I just stood there with him hugging him for a few minutes. I grabbed his hand and started limping to the door pulling him. He came over and swooped me up caring me to my room.
"I would've been fine without you carrying me" I told Midas.
"I like carrying you" he smiled.
"Oh really?"
"Goodnight, love"
"Goodnight" I said as I closed the door and got ready for bed.

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