Chapter 31: Chipped!?!

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I was in the same house I had a vision about. I saw Shadow Midas standing by his board again. He was looking at my picture and Midas' picture. He turned to look at me.

"I can see you y/n. Remember when I shot you. I'm sorry about that, I had to do it though. I didn't shoot you with an ordinary bullet. I shot you with a bullet that planted a computer chip in your leg. You are now under my controll. That's why you had your visions and why your dreaming reality right now." Shadow midas explained.
"Wait, what?" I said scared.

He walked over to me and grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. I thought about what Skye had said, move to wake yourself up.

"Moving won't wake you up"
"Are you reading my mind?"
"Yes, I'm controlling you remember."

I started to get scared and kept trying to move, but I wasn't waking up.

Midas' POV
I woke up at 2am to see y/n seizing.

"Y/n!" I yelled rolling her to her side.
"Help! I need a medic in here!" I yelled towards the door.

Then the nurse came in and injected something into y/n's neck. She immediately quit seizing.

"What happened?" The nurse asked.
"I'm not sure she was asleep and then started seizing"
"Bring her to the medical room"

I picked y/n up and brought her to the medical room. I noticed her leg had started to bleed through the bandage.

"Nurse she's bleeding through the bandage"
"What, she shouldn't be bleeding that much" the nurse looked shocked.

He ran and grabbed a medkit and ran over to y/n he took her original bandage off and noticed something.

"Sir, come look at this" the nurse said.

I walked over to see something blinking in her leg.

"Remove that immediately" I ordered as the nurse got to work.

"Get me a tray to put this on" the nurse said.

I grabbed a tray and brought it to the nurse. The nurse set the blinking device on the tray.

*back to the time right after you quit seizing*

"Darling, quit trying to fight this, it won't work" Shadow Midas told me.
"Let go of me!" I yelled pulling my arm out of his grip.

I walked over to the board and looked at everything.

"What is this?" I asked.
"My plans to defeat Ghost"
"On your own, you're a puny little guy. What are you going to do against a whole team of skilled agents?" I questioned turning around.
"I'm gonna win" he smirked while raising an eyebrow.
"Funny" I sarcastically chuckled.

*the nurse is now removing the chip*

I looked around and saw everything begin to glitch.

"No, no they c-c- can't  take you from meeeeee" Shadow Midas yelled while glitching.

Then all if a sudden I was laying on a table in the medical room. My leg was in so much pain.

"Oww" I squealed sitting up and holding my leg.
"Are you okay?" The nurse asked.
"Yeah other than my leg hurting" I answered.

The nurse bandaged up my leg and handed me a glass of water with two pills. I took the pills and drank the water. My leg instantly felt a lot better.

"What happened?" I asked.
"I was hoping you could tell us part of what happened. I just woke up to you seizing and we brought you in here. Your leg started to bleed through the bandage and we saw a blinking device in your leg. The nurse then took it out and as soon as it was removed you woke up." Midas explained.
"Well that chip was from Shadow Midas shooting it into my leg. It had a tracking  system and a controlling system so he could talk to me through visions. The one I had while I was sleeping was of him planning to attack the Agency and take it over on his own. He had pictures of all the Agents. All of them had X's on them except for mine, mine had hearts" I explained looking at Midas.
"I won't let anything happen to you, so don't worry. I will make sure everyone knows about Shadow Midas' plans so then no one is caught by surprise" Midas explained.
"This chip also explains why your leg wasnt healing as quickly as it was supposed to. It should now be healed in a couple days" the nurse told me.
"Okay, thanks" I replied.

I stood up and didn't have the sharp pain. I didn't even limp, but that could be from the medicine the nurse gave me. Midas and I walked back to his bedroom, but neither of us were tired.

"I'm not even tired" I told Midas.
"I'm not either" Midas said.
"We could watch some TV and cuddle" I suggested while smiling.
"That sounds like a perfect idea, love"

I turned on The 100 and laid my head on Midas' shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me.

We sat and watched a few episodes before slowly dozing off to sleep. The rest of the night was a regular peaceful night.

The next day I woke up alone in Midas' bed. I heard his shower running, so I decided to sneak into his bathroom. I got undressed and snuck into the shower and hugged him. I scared him because he had jumped and once he realised it was me he just chuckled.

"You startled me darling"
"I'm sorry"

We took our shower and got out to finish getting ready for the day. Midas' hair was still a big mess. I grabbed his comb off of the counter and fixed his hair as he fixed his tie.

"You look so good with messy hair"
"Not as good as you do, doll"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that"
"Then I guess it's good that I'm not you because you are perfect in every way possible" Midas said giving me a kiss.

We finished getting ready and went to the lounge room. As Midas made his coffee he told everyone there was a 7:30 meeting.

Everyone quickly finished eating and headed to the meeting room.

"As you all know y/n was hit in the leg. What you don't know is that she was shot by a bullet that planted a chip into her leg. The chip was removed early this morning. That chip was used by Shadow Midas who was able to talk to her through visions and tracke her. He told her that he was planning to attack the Agency on his own. He also had a picture of each agent. All had X's on them except for y/n's, hers had hearts. Therefore I will need everyone to stay here today and to always be prepared to fight" Midas told everyone.

We all nodded our heads.


We all stood up and left the room. The guys all went to the training room to exercise, besides Midas he went to his office. Us girls went to the lounge room.

"What was the vision like?" Skye asked.
"It was as if I was standing in the room with Shadow Midas. I thought it was real life for a minute but relaised it was a dream, well vision. It was kinda sca-" I was cut off by the alarms blaring.

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