Chapter 52: Girls Day

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The cover to this chapter is another amazing drawing by CooCeeia

Calamity: I'm sorry as well, but girl you gotta see where I'm coming from. You've known me longer, yet I don't even get to be a bridesmaid.
Y/n: Ik but like I said all desicions are finalized
Calamity: Ya ya, I'll be there and I'll be good
Y/n: Ok, thx
Calamity: Mhm

"Calamity apologised and said she would be good at the wedding" I explained to Midas.
"Good, now let's go get our coffee shall we?"
"We shall" I smiled.

We stood up and headed for the lounge room. On the way there we passed by Meowscles room and I could hear crying.

"Do you hear that?" I asked Midas.
"Yeah, you mean the crying right?"
"Yeah" I walked up to Meowscles door and the crying got louder.

I looked at Midas and knocked on the door.

"Come in" Meow spoke just loud enough for us to hear.

Midas and I walked in to see Skye in Meows arms crying.

"Skye what happened?" I asked sitting on her other side.
"I had a nightmare about losing Ollie. I began looking for her. Meow then asked me what I was doing and I told him so he decided to help. We looked and looked for hours but had no luck. I then heard Ollie squeal and we ran to where we heard her. I then saw Drift, my ex, holding her with a gun pointed at Meow. I begged him to put her and the gun down, but he refused. He said I had to go with him in order to save them. So I walked over to him and he threw Ollie to the side and shot Meow. I stood there and saw Meow drop dead and then I woke up." She explained sniffling throughout the explanation.
"Oh that's terrible" I said now hugging her along with Meow.
"Thanks guys, I don't know what I would do without you" Skye smiled.
"Alright, let's go to the lounge room, I'm hungry" Meow blurted.

We all then headed to the lounge room. Skye and Meow made their breakfast while Midas and I made our coffee. As we finished making our coffee everyone began piling into the lounge room. Meow, Skye, Midas, and I all sat down at the couch together. I sat next to Skye with Midas on my other side and Meow next to Skye.

"I thought about going on a run today, do you wanna come along Skye?" I asked her.
"I'd love to!" She exclaimed.
"Huh?" TNTina asked as she plopped down on the couch with Bomb.
"Skye and I are going on a run today, you guys wanna come along?" I asked.
"Sure, but I'll just ride my skateboard" Bomb replied.
"I'll ride mine too, oh yeah I got a skateboard and it's got a grenade painted on the bottom" TNTina explained.
"Nice" I commented.
"I'll come along too" Maya added as she sat down.
"Looks like it'll just be the guys here today then" Meow exclaimed.
"Where are you girls gonna go running?" Midas asked.
"Wherever" I replied.
"So you don't have a plan you're all just going to run as a group to random places?" Midas asked raising an eyebrow.
"Basically" Skye replied.

Midas slowly nodded and just kept drinking his coffee. I quickly finished drinking my coffee as the girls finished their breakfasts. I wasn't hungry so I decided to skip breakfast which I did a lot.

Once we all finished we told everyone goodbye and headed to our rooms. We all got changed into clothes that were good for running. I decided on a tank top and shorts. I put my running shoes on and headed to the lobby.

All the other girls were also wearing tank tops and shorts. It was a hot day, but I still felt like running. We then walked outside and hopped into a boat and drove across the water.

We all hopped out and tapped our earpieces to start our music.

We were all listening to the same playlist so we started singing together as we ran. We sang, talked, and laughed every now and then through our run. We ran about 5 miles in total once we made our way back to the Agency. Well, besides TNTina and Bonb they rode their skateboards for 5 miles.

We were all soaked from sweating. It was now almost time for lunch, the hottest part of the day. We walked inside to see Meow and Midas talking. They quit talking and looked at us concerned. Us girls looked at each other and saw why they looked concerned.

"Are you girls alright?" Meow asked.
"Yeah, just hot and out of breath" Skye replied.
"Are you sure your alright?" Midas asked.
"Positive, now I'm gonna go take a nice cold shower" I responded.
"Me too" the girls said together.

We all went to our rooms as Meow and Midas continued their conversation. As soon as I got into my room I went to my bathroom and got undressed. I started the water and immediately took my shower.

Once I finished I got out and got dressed into my outfit from this morning. I went to the lounge room and decided to make some pasta salad for lunch.

Once I finished making my pasta salad I sat down on one of the stools by the island and began eating. The other girls came in and began making their lunches. Skye made herself some Ramen noodles, Maya made a salad, while TNTina and Bomb made some Macaroni and Cheese.

We all sat together and ate our lunches. We started talking about going on a run every week since this run was so much fun. We even decided to make one playlist for us all to share for when we went running. Everyone could add songs to it so then everyone had songs they liked on it.

I then told them about Calamity from this morning.

"Honestly a real friend wouldn't do that" TNTina explained.
"I know, she gets mad quite easily anymore and I'm not sure why, she also started ignoring me once I started working here"
"Her loss" Skye added which made me smile.

We finished eating and put our dishes into the dishwasher.

"We had a hot day, let's go down to the training room and swim" Maya suggested.
"Good idea" I agreed.

We all went to our rooms and got our swimsuits on. We then met up in the training room. We walked to the pool and all dived in racing each other to the opposite end.

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