Chapter 34: Special Day

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"Honestly if I didn't have you I would probably be a mess, both physically and mentally. You keep me sane and you help me remember everything" Midas told me before kissing me.
"You're too sweet. My life would be worse without you, you're the one whose always keeping me protected and alive" I stated.
"Come with me" Midas said while holding his arm out.

I wrapped my arm around his and we started walking to the helicopter. We hopped in and the henchmen took off without an order, like he already knew where to go.

The helicopter stopped right next to the light house. Midas and I hopped out and he grabbed my hand. I followed him over next to the lighthouse to see a blanket laid out with a picnic basket and two glasses.

"Aww Midas" I said looking at him and smiling.
"Anything for you" he replied smiling.

My eyes got teary from being so happy. In fact one escaped my eye and ran down my cheek.

"Doll, what's wrong?" He asked looking concerned.
"Nothing, it's perfect. I'm just not used to this because no one has ever done anything like the things you do for me" I replied.
"Oh, but this is only the beginning" he said as we sat down on the blanket.

We started eating (your choice of food) and drank (your choice of drink). It was the best lunch ever especially since I got to have it along with Midas.

Once we finished eating we sat and watched the water. Off in the distance we could see dolphins having the time of their lives just swimming around.

"Follow me" Midas whispered.

We both stood up and he walked me over to the lighthouse door. He pulled out a key and unlocked it. I looked at him and smiled. We walked up the stairs and sat at the very top looking out over the whole island.

"I never realised how beautiful it actually was" I said looking at the island.
"And I never realised how beautiful a person could be until I met you" Midas replied.

I looked up at him and smiled. We stood there hugging and looking over the entire island.

After about 40 minutes of just looking over the island we finally went back down to the ground. I started cleaning up as Midas ordered a henchmen to come pick us up. He helped me finish cleaning and the helicopter arrived.

We hopped into the helicopter and headed for the Agency. When we got there he didn't land, he actually passed it. I looked up at Midas who didn't seem to notice.

"Where are we going?" I whispered to Midas.
"You'll see" he whispered back.

I just sat there looking out at the ground. We finally came to a stop and he lowered the helicopter. I looked around, but I didn't recognize the place. It was up on a very large hill and had a lot of lights.

"What is this place?" I asked.
"Have you never been here before? This is Apres Ski" Midas replied.
"Nope" I replied shaking my head.
"Well then lets head inside" he stated as he grabbed my hand.

We walked up the outside stairs to a door and stopped. Midas tapped his earpiece and opened the door.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted.
"Aww you guys remembered!" I replied.
"Of course darling, how could we forget your birthday?" Midas chuckled.
"Here, come open your presents!" Skye said grabbing my hand and almost dragging me up some stairs to a table.

I sat down as everyone else did. I felt extremely awkward being the center of attention, especially since everyone was looking directly at me.

Skye handed me her gift with a giant smile on her face. I began opening it to find a charm bracelet. There was a charm for each of us girls. Ollie for Skye, grenade for TNTina, skateboard for Bomb, dagger for Maya, and a rose for me. I looked up and saw all the girls with matching bracelets.

Maya then handed me her gift and I opened it. It was a white phone case with red roses all over it.

Next was TNTina who handed me her gift. TNTina's gift was two mugs, one said Beauty with a rose and the other said Beast with a scar running through the e.

"The beauty is yours and the beast is Midas' so you can be beauty and the beast" TNTina explained.
"Hey!" Midas stated acting offended.

Then Bomb handed me her gift which was a white bluetooth speaker lined with rose gold and had roses on it.

I opened Brutus' gift which was a holster that went onto my thigh. It had a pistol and an knife in it. I stood up, put it on, and sat back down.

Peely gave me his and started giggling. His was a white shirt with him on it and said "Keep your eyes peeled for this banana." I looked at him and started laughing with him.

Meowscles handed me a pet carrier. I opened the carrier to see the tiniest pure white kitten I have ever seen. I grabbed it and immediately started started cuddling it. Skye ran over and started petting it with me. I reached inside the carrier to see a $100 gift card for pet supplies.

"Meowscles this is perfect, I think I'll name her Diamond" I stated.
"Awww that's too cute!" Skye squealed.

I handed Diamond to Skye. Skye took Diamond and sat back down in her seat. All the girls started playing with Diamond.

Midas handed me a giant bouquet of roses with a card. The card said...

Happy Birthday,
I'm not sure what to say
But today is your day.
I wanted to surprise you
Ever since one became two.
I want to ask one thing
Will you be the queen to this king?

(Turn around)

I stood up a turned around to see Midas down on one knee.

"Y/n, will you marry me?" Midas asked.

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