Chapter 66: First Day Back

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We kept petting Meow for about 7 minutes. When we stopped Tina and Bomb went on their own and Maya also left the lobby. Leaving Skye, Meow, Midas and I in the lobby.

Meow stood up and stretched his arms. Skye looked at him and blushed now looking at the floor. Midas looked at Skye and then at me and smiled. I smiled back and we shook our heads.

"Alright we are gonna leave you two to yourselves" Midas stated putting his hand around my waist.
"Got it" Meow replied smiling at Skye.

He picked her up bridal style and left the lobby. Midas and I headed outside to the helicopter and had a henchmen fly us to the cabin.

When we arrived we went inside and began packing our things. The henchmen came in and began taking our bags to the helicopter. When we finished packing and had our bags brought to the helicopter Midas locked the cabin and stuck the keys in his pocket.

We hopped into the helicopter and flew back to the Agency. When we arrived the henchmen helped us bring our things to our rooms. When all of my things were in my room I began unpacking. When I finished I headed to Midas' room.

When I got in there I saw his bookcase pulled away from his wall and the door open. I closed his bedroom door and went to the open door. I went down the stairs and saw Midas at the bottom. He was looking at a large orb.

"Hey darling" Midas sighed.
"Hey, are you alright?" I asked.
"Yeah, I've just put so much into this device and I cancelled it all. I'm not even sure it will work" he explained.
"Can't you uncancell it, and I'm pretty sure it will work"
"Do you even know what it's for?" He asked.
"No, you actually never told me"
"It's supposed to use the storm to hold back the flood. There is supposed to be a large flood coming and I was going to use the storm to hold it back until it recedes"
"Oh, that's a lot. Do you have another plan if it fails?"
"That's the problem. I don't know what I could do to stop the flood if this fails"
"Oh, will the whole island be flooded?"
"Most likely"

We stood there is silence for a while and I looked around. I saw a picture of a girl who had tattoos and the shadow logo on her tank top.

"Who's that?" I asked walking over to the picture frame.
"That's Jules, the engineer" he replied.
"Why do you have a picture of her?" I asked now picking the picture up for a closer look.
"Because she's my little sister" he responded now standing next to me.
"Oh, but she has a Shadow logo on her shirt"
"Yeah, I know. She refuses to become Ghost even though the war is over and Shadow lost"
"So she's stubborn?"
"She's just like you then" I giggled which made Midas roll his eyes.
"Let's go upstairs and have some lunch" Midas said putting his arm around my waist.

I set the picture down and we began walking up the stairs. I closed the door and Midas pushed the bookcase back against the wall. We walked to the lounge room and began making some lunch. We sat down together and ate at the dining table. Skye and Meow then came in and made themselves lunch and joined us.

"So, even though your honeymoon was sadly cut short. How was it?" Skye asked.
"It was amazing" I replied.
"What all did you guys do?" Skye asked.
"We went shopping, had a picnic by the lake when it was glowing from the slurpfish, we took a helicopter tour of the island, we went for a long walk, and just spent time together" I replied.
"Oh sounds like a lot of fun!" Skye added.
"It was" I nodded.

We all finished eating and put our dishes into the dishwasher. Midas and I went to his office to look at the work he had to do. When we got in there I only saw one box of papers he had to sign. I grabbed his stamp and sat by the box.

"Oh wow, Meow did a lot of my work. I only have a few emails I have to deal with" Midas stated.
"Yeah and you only have this one box of papers to sign" I agreed.

I began reading through the papers and stamping the ones he approved. The ones he didn't approve I set back into the box. As I was reading the papers he was replying to his emails. He finished replying to emails before we were even halfway through the box.

When we finally finished the papers in the box it was 5:30pm. 30 minutes until dinner.

"Yes love" Midas replied.
"Do you want to start working on tomorrow's things until dinner?" I asked.
"Sure" he replied.

We began working on papers for tomorrow. When it had hit 6pm we had almost finished tomorrow's work. There were only a few papers left so we decided to finish them before heading to the lounge room.

When we began heading to the lounge room it was 6:10pm. We walked into the lounge room to see everyone eating and talking.

"Heyyy, the lovebirds are here!" Brutus almost yelled.
"Ooo, what were you two doing?" Maya smirked.
"Working on Midas' work that he had from our honeymoon" I replied.
"Sure you were" Maya stated with an unbelieving voice.

I rolled my eyes and sat down. I grabbed my fork and accidentally turned it to rose gold. I haven't turned anything into rose gold in a while.

Midas noticed what I had done and did the same thing to his fork, but gold. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at me and we began eating. I felt hungrier than normal which was strange.

When everyone had finished eating and had finished their conversations we all got up and headed to our rooms for the night. Midas followed me to my room and we started playing with Diamond.

"I'm going to go take a shower" I told Midas.
"Alright, I'll head to my room and get ready for bed and unpack while you take a shower. I'll come back in here once I've finished" Midas explained.

I walked into my closet as Midas left my room. I grabbed some pajamas and went into my bathroom. I forgot how nice my bathroom was and how big it was. I honestly missed the Agency a lot while we were gone.

I grabbed my phone and the bluetooth speaker Bomb had given me. I began playing my favorite song. I set my phone and speaker on my counter before getting into the shower. I took my shower and sang to my playlist as I did so.

When I finished taking my shower I got out and started getting dried off and ready for bed. I kept singing to my music until I opened my bathroom door to see Midas sitting on my bedroom floor with Diamond.

I stood there blushing and just smiled at him. He looked up at me and smiled.

"What are you not good at?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" I questioned.
"You can dance, sing, you're gorgeous, you're perfect" Midas replied.
"Oh, Midas you're too much" I embraced him in a hug.
"And you're just right" he whispered.
"I'm also tired so let's get some sleep" I told him.

We stood up and walked over to my bed. We laid down together and snuggled up to one another. I played with his hair as he played with my hair. We slowly drifted off to sleep.

So, what do you guys think of your honeymoon getting cut short by Shadow?

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