Chapter 2: Hello?...Help!

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"He-hello? Mi-Midas is that you?" You asked very uncertain.
No response...
"Hello? Is anyone there?" You ask a little more stern this time.
Still nothing....
You glance at the clock 1:40pm. 20 minutes until the bookstore closes.
"Seriously this isn't funny. Midas? Someone? I know the...." You get cut off by the call being hung up.
What was that? You thought to yourself.

Finally time to close the store. Wait, what about all the books Midas wanted? What about his quadcrasher outside? Crap! I don't have a phone or my keys either. Where would be best for me to talk to someone about Midas? The agency! Duh...why didn't I think to call the Agency?! Whatever, but since it's after hours I can't use the bookstores phone I'll just have to walk. At least I'll get a good walk in for the day I thought as I chuckled to myself. Therefore I started walking to the Agency.

*halfway there*
Man...I didn't realise how long of a walk this was gonna be.

*across the water from the Agency*
How am I supposed to get over their? Wait, how did Midas get to the bookstore from their on a quadcrasher? I thought about that as I looked around. Then I spotted it, a boat! I went over to the boat, solid gold. Great, Midas' boat, but would be get mad if I borrowed it to make sure he was alright?

"Let's hope not" I whispered to myself as I hoped into the boat and started it. I drove across the water and stopped at the front of the Agency. I hopped out and walked up the multiple stairs that led to the front of the building.

"Stop right there!" Yelled a man in all white with a strange helmet.
I stopped and raised my hands to show that I didn't mean any harm.
"Excuse me, I-I was wondering if Midas was here? He was at the bookstore earlier and disappeared without getting the books he had selected." I said trying to not sound as concerned as I was.
"So you came here, because of some books?" Said the strange man as he chuckled. Some other men must've heard the conversation because they too started to chuckle.
"No, well.... he left his glasses and his quadcrasher. I was scanning books and looked up and he was no where to be seen. His glasses were found on the floor where he was standing and his quadcrasher is still in the parking lot." I responded.
The guy that I was guessing was a henchman started talking to two other henchman and they all nodded. "Come with me" the one said.
I started to follow him unsure where he was leading me. I looked around the inside of the Agency in awe at the beautiful architecture of the building. After making many lefts and rights he stopped and looked at me, or at least in my direction.
"Stay in here" he told me as he opened the door to a room with a large table and many seats around the table. He left before I had to the chance to respond or even say anything.

Great so now I am just stuck in this room, well kinda, and just get to completely wonder what is going on, fun. At least there's a clock in here, 4:13pm. 2hours and 13 minutes of mostly walking. New record!

*another hour, this time slow and dreadful*

Am I ever gonna leave thi-

"This way" said a henchman. I followed him out the door of that room into another room across the building and downstairs. This room had a table and only a few seats. In the seats were a man-cat that was extremely buff..maybe that's who the workout books are for....another man with extremely broad shoulder and a banana person. I sat down at the last open seat.

"Hello, I'm Meowscles, this is Brutus and Peely." He said as he pointed to the person he was naming.
"Hi, I'm y/n." I responded.
"Nice to meet you." Exclaimed Brutus as the other two just nodded in agreement.
"The henchman told us what you told them, is there any additional information than just that or is that it?" Asked Meowscles.
"That's all I know, sorry" I apologised.
"No need to apologise, it isn't your fault in fact your helping us a lot....." stated Meowscles as the others just nodded.
"Is there anything else I can do to help?" I asked.
"Umm...yes actually. The books that Midas had set aside to buy why don't you bring those by for him so he will have them when he gets back. Oh and here." Meowscles said as he handed you and card. The card was gold and said Midas' name on it.
"Wait- I... I can't just take his card."
"As long as you bring it back it won't matter."
"Okay..." I said in a very uncertain tone.
"Alright then that's settled." Meowscles said as he looked at the door and nodded.
"Can I ask a favor?" I kinda blurted out.
"Sure." Brutus replied in his slight Russian accent.
"Can I borrow someone's phone I accidentally left my phone and keys at my house and locked them in." I asked feeling embarrassed.
"Yeah, no problem" Peely said handing me his phone.
I called my friend who had a spare key to my place and asked if she could come jock it for I. After that I headed home hoping to arrive before she did.

Once I got home my door was still locked but I saw my friend in the distance.
"Hey y/n locked yourself out?" Calamity asked.
"Yeah, I was kinda in a rush this morning" I said.
"No biggy" Calamity replied.
After that I went inside and got ready for bed. I was exhausted from the long walk and the long day but for some reason couldn't fall asleep. I almost felt like there was someone there with me in the room or that I was being watched.

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