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None pov :

Yoongi looked at Mns senseless body and cried hard for his mistakes.....
He cried hard thinking , how much pain Mn had bear in his chest , when he saw such naked videos of his husband with other man ......

Slowly, Everything got cleared to Yoongi......
Because the vedio of Mn in the hotel room was sent to him by none but Taemin ....
And the video of him fucking Taemin was also at that time shoot by Taemin ...

Yoongi now cried hard thinking that , how he easily trusted another person in spite of trusting his own husband .....
How he always used to treat his actual love like a shit but his true love never left his side.....
How he lost his mind and started loving other man , totally forgetting about his real love .......
How he hurted his pure love , by cheating on him.......


Yoongi was sitting beside Mn who was already in the deep sleep after getting a strong shot from the doctor ....

Yoongi thought , if Mn is really a drug addict , he must've hide the drugs in his closest .....
He went to Mns closet, in order to finding the drugs and at last , found the expected products, a box of " sex drugs " ....

Yoongi got super shocked seeing the products in Mns closet....

Suddenly Yoongi snapped out of his shocking thoughts by receiving a sudden call from Taemin......

At phone :

Yg : hello....

Tm: hey baby ... It's me Taemin ....

Yg : Taemin !! How many times do I have to tell you that don't call me when I'm at my home.... ( said irritatingly)

Tm : baby ... Are you somehow mad at your baby boy ?????

Yoongi sighed for the millionth time and said,

Yg : No!!!!!!

Tm : baby !!!! Your baby boy already missing your touches and sweet kisses.....

Yg : Aish!!! Taemin !!! I'm busy now ... I'll talk to you later.. Bye... ( said coldly)

Taemin got super mad seeing Yoongi trying to avoid him and behaving so coldly with him.....

Tm : Yoongi, are you trying to avoid me now for a drug addicted person ??? ( said angrily)

Yg : W-what do you mean ?? ( said getting startled by how Taemin knew that Mn was taking drugs)
How do you - - - - ( cut off by Tm)

Tm : Yoongi do you think that, my friends who works as an employee in your husband's company don't see what their boss does when he works alone in his room .....
Well , one of my friend also spotted him making out with a girl , after taking drugs .......
My that friend luckily knew that , I knew your husband ... That's why he immediately called me......
And as proof he sent me a video of that hotel room...
Since your husband was so much intoxicated in drugs, that , he didn't even bother to lock the room...
If you don't believe me , I'm going to send you the video.....

Taemin sent the video to Yoongi... Yoongi immediately tapped the video and got heartbroken seeing that , Taemin wasn't lying ....
Mn was really cheating on him... .

Arrange  marriage   ( Min  Yoongi  X Male  Reader) Where stories live. Discover now