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None pov :

Time skip after 2 more months :

Everything got normal now ....
Yn and Yj finally accepted Yg and also the marriage of their only son lm ...

Kim couple now permanently star to live with Mns sister Yn ....

On the other hand , Mrs . Min now started to live with Kimmin couple , leaving her evil husband forever behind ...

Mn and Yg accepted her apologies because they knew Mrs. Min had no intention to harm them ....
She was just forced by Mr. Min  to keep quiet .....
She was always against this internal cast war from the beginning ......
So , Now everything was going well ....

At Kim company :

Mn was currently running this Kim company ....

Now Mn was busy in doing some important works in his office ....

Suddenly ,

Ukn : may I come in sir ????

Mn : come in ... (replied curtly still busy with his laptop)

Mns that assistant in office now came inside ....

Ukn : ( came inside and now directly sit on Mns lap)

Mn : mm ~~Stella ?? Not now .... ( said still running his fingers through the pad of the laptop cursor)

Stella : baby !! You always remain busy with your work !!! At least spend some alone time with your baby girl !!! ( whispered to Mns ear in a seducing voice)

Mn : ( now final looked at the owner of the seducing voice)
Stella!!!! Aren't you still sore from the way I Fucked you last night ??? ( asked a little bit of irritatingly)

Stella : yeah .. You Fucked me hard but Mn .. Seriously , you again went away to your home for your fucking wife ... ( replied madly)

Mn : Stella .!!!! .. Mind your language before talking anything about my wife .( said sternly)

Stella : oh !!! So , you still love him, Mn????

Mn : Stella ...

Stella : ( got off from Mns lap) Mn, enough !!!!
We're dating for almost 1 months ... But still ... Still if you are stuck up with your wife ... Then let's just break up ...
I don't want to be a part time , slut to you , to whom , you'll just always love to fuck but will never give her the dignity of the person in your heart ..

Mn : fine then.. Go!!!!!
I don't need you anyway !!!
I'm already happy with my wife ...
So Just fucking stop blackmailing me and go already !!!! ( madly blurted out)

Stella : I'm done with you shits now , Mn ..I'm going ..
I'm going to expose your reality before the media .. And yeah, Don't ever talk to me .... ( With that Stella was about to go away but got suddenly stopped by Mn )

Mn : ( turned Stella around to him and just smashed his lips with her )
Baby .. Please , don't go ... I Love you .... I need you ... Please ... ( said suddenly changing his voice into soft and passionately kissing Stella )

Stella also now melted into Mns soft kisses .. So she immediately kissed Mn back ...

Stella : ( kissed Mn back ) I love you too , baby ....

Mn : ( pulled away) baby... Just Please, give me some time to adjust ..
I just need some more time to accept the offer....
Then , I'll make everything OK ... Please...

Stella : I trust you baby .... ( said Softly smiling to Mn)

Mn : thank you baby.. ( said sweetly smiling like a happy baby koala)

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