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We pulled up the driveway to the house, I buzzed in and the gates opened letting me drive in closer.

I heard a gasp and looked over.

Rebecca's jaw practically dropped to the ground, and for the first time in a while I saw happiness in her eyes.

"Welcome home" I said to her as I shut off the car.

"You're kidding right" she said bringing her hand to her forehead.

"I'm really not though" I said getting out and opening the door for her.

"Cameron it's amazing!" She squealed, and she ran in to me wrapping her arms around my torso.

"Well let's go inside" I said, she grabbed my hand and ran inside.

She walked in and gazed around at the high ceiling, and balcony.

"Cameron how did you pay for this?" She asked

"Don't worry about that" I said

"I can't just move in without paying anything" she insisted.

"It's your birthday, Christmas, next 20 birthdays and next 29 christmas presents" I giggled.

"Well 29 christmas'' is pretty specific isn't it" she laughed.

"Oh I calculated it, girl this house costs more than me" I said in a girly voice.

"Now I feel bad!" She whined leaning her head in to my chest.

"Trust me Bee it's all good!" I re-assured her.

"Come look at this" I smile bringing her up the stairs.

"This is your room" I said and she walked in.


I walked in to what Cameron said was my room and I almost started crying.

It was a huge room, with a king size bed, light grey walls, it had a big desk, and a bunch of doors.

I started to open the doors, to find a walk in closet, a bathroom, and a recording studio.

"Cameron this is amazing!" I squealed.

"You just wait" he said and he walked over to the other two doors that I had missed.

I went behind him as he opened them.

I shut my eyes to make it a surprise, when I felt a breeze.

My eyes opened to the most beautiful view of the beach.

"Holy Maloely" I was stunned.

"The view can't get any better than this" he said

"This whole house can't possibly get any better" I added


"Rebecca, there is just one more thing" he said sitting down on my bed, with a worried looks.

"Well, maybe two" he said scratching his head.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Well, you see. You can only come to the first 2 tour dates" he said

"What? Why?" I asked confused.

"Well, you are coming to perform with Shawn, and he is only going for 2. I didn't want to tell the manager that you were my girlfriend, I don't want anyone to know. The girls will go crazy" he said

"Since when am I performing?" I raised my voice with a gasp.

"That's kinda what Sammy set up, you were never just my guest" he shrugged.

"Oh god" I fell back.

"What's the second bad news?" I asked

"Well it's not really bad, well I'm not sure." He said

"What is it?" I asked

"Shawn is coming to live here too" he said

"Really?" I smiled

"I guess that's a good thing?" He giggled

"Shawn's my side bae Cam!" I squealed.

"I'm your one and only bae.. bae" he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not again Dallas" I scoffed.

"Rawr feisty Bee" he laughed.

"Really.. Bee? You are still going on with that?" I whined

"You're my little Bee-ny baby" he said hugging me tight.

"I NEED OXYGEN" I whined, trying to get out of Cameron's grip.

He leaned in for a kiss when the doorbell rang causing me to jump.

I ran away but my arm was taken back and I twirled as Cameron left a small kiss in my lips before I went to get the door.

Talk about living the life.

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