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"Thank-you for flying with Deltas Airlines, have a great day in sunny California" the lady said over the PA system as everyone got out of their seats.

"Bee wake up." I giggled shaking her slightly.

"I just want the chocolate" she whined.

"Bec" I laughed and her eyes flew open.

"Y'alright there?" I giggled.

"Ya" she laughed.

"Thanks for the shoulder" she added.

"You can have my shoulder anytime" I smiled grabbing our bags from the overhead compartment.

I handed her the bag and she thanked me.

We walked through customs and then made our way to the front of the doors.

"Shit" she sighed holding her hand over her forehead while looking at her phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing" she looked away.

I can't do this.

*Que cute Cammy Powers*

I grabbed her hand and twirled her towards my chest.

Her eyes made their way from my chest to my eyes.

I smiled and bent down pecking her lips.

I felt a smile between the kiss making me sigh in relief.

"You know every time I'm frustrated you can't just kiss me and think everything's gonna be okay" she giggled.

"What's wrong?" I asked her with a smirk.

"Nothing.." She looked at me weird.

"See just a minute ago you were mad, now your not" I smiled pulling her in to a hug.

"No but really, what was wrong?" I asked her pulling away slightly.

"I just don't have a someone to pick me up because nobody's home.." she sighed again.

"I'll bring you home, no problem" I said.

"You sure?" She asked me.

"Anything for my whittle bumble bee." I smiled.

I was interrupted when I heard a honk from behind.

"Sierra?" I looked closer, I haven't seen her in so long!

"HEY CAM!" She ran out of the car.

"Oh my gosh, REBECCA!" She squealed and ran up to Rebecca.

I put the bags in the trunk and we made our way home.

We didn't go to our house, but we decided just to go see our parents.


"I'm gonna walk Rebecca to her door, I'll just walk home." I said to Sierra.

"You sure? I can wait.." Sierra said.

"Sierra it's next door" I laughed.

"Alrighty!" She smiled and drove in to our driveway.

Rebecca and I walked up to her doorstep and she went to grab the key under the mat.

"No key." She said.

"But there is a note.." I pointed to the white paper under the mat.

She grabbed it and read it. She seemed unsteady.

"What's it say?" I asked.

"Oh, the key was moved, doesn't say where though.. That's weird.." She said shifting back and forward.

"Just come over to my house until your parents come home" I said.

"I would say no, but do I really have a choice?" She laughed.

"Not really" I smiled.

We walked over to my house.

"Sierra?" I called from the stairs.

"Yea?" She called down.

"Rebecca can't get in to her house, can she borrow some of your clothes?" I asked her.

"I would say yes but I don't have any here, sorry" she replied back.

"Umm..." I looked at Rebecca.

"It's fine Cam" she giggled.

"Follow me" I said walking upstairs to my bedroom.

I went through my drawers and found a pair of sweatpants and a shirt that Rebecca left at my house one day.

"I will be out here, you can get changed in the bathroom." I said jumping on my bed and turning on the TV.

She walked in to the bathroom, and got dressed.

As I watched a couple episodes of spongebob, I began to feel my eyes get heavy. Before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.


I walked in to the bathroom.

I took the little white paper out of my back pocket.

I glanced at it again.


    I would think twice about forgiving Cameron.

Is all it said. With the the link to a website on it.

I searched it up on my phone.

The name came up as

"For Rebecca"

I pressed play, but just as I pressed play a notification came up.

*this is not to be viewed on a mobile device* it said.

Crap. I got changed quickly and tied my hair up.

I walked out of the bathroom and noticed Cameron was sleeping.


I quickly got his computer and typed in the link again.

Looking at the video I began to second guess this. It's Ian. Just the thought of him gave me the chills.

I decided since it was probably fake I would watch it.

I pressed play.

The video began, with someone talking but I couldn't quite make out their face.

"Yea she's so hot man" sounded like one of the guys.

"Is she good in bed?" Another asked.

"Hell yea" someone said.

The Camera flipped up to reveal every single one of the guys except for Shawn and Aaron.

"Like you wouldn't even believe." Cameron said.

I'm not going to even begin to repeat the other violating things he said about me.

He talked about things, about me, that were real and some fake, but I trusted him with those secrets.

I trusted him to hold that in with all his heart.

He totally and completely violated me, and my personal life.

Honestly that wasn't even the worst of it.

When he began talking about how I was a baby and immature with the whole Ian situation really felt like a stab in the heart.

I don't care if he was drunk.

It still meant that he had those thoughts in his mind, he just don't let them out with a conscience.


I gave one last look at him before making my way out of his house.

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