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After getting breakfast Cameron and I went back to our suite for the day.

"How do you feel about going in the hot tub?" I asked Cameron.

"Are you serious?" He jumped up.

"Yeah" I giggled grabbing my bikini.

"Yeah. Oh yeah. Alright. Um. Yeah cool. Gonna go I'm get changed" he shuffled around, not making any sense and then sprinted to the bathroom.

I put on my bathing suit and walked outside. I went in to the hot soothing water of the infinity tub looking over what looked like an endless body of water.

"What the hell why is this pool so hot!" Cameron yelled as he slowly sat down.

"It's called a hot tub for a reason smart one" I laughed and he came beside me.

"You know how we are like married now?" He asked me.

"Yes.. Your point" I asked.

"Well like that means we can like.. Have s- um- the 's' word because we are married now" he said like a 10 year old kid.

"Yea we can" I said playing dumb.

His eyes widened.

"Doesn't mean we will" I said sitting on his lap.

"W-w why?" He stuttered.

"What happens, happens" I said kissing his jawline.

He placed his hands gently on my hips and they travelled all throughout my back as he kissed my neck.

Back and forth, we ended up in the bedroom.


Something came over me and I just became a whole new person.

It was time, the perfect moment. I will never forget it.


The next morning I woke up and looked over at the clock. 10:09am. Holy Crap.

I looked over and Rebecca was gone.

"Bec" I called out.

I heard footsteps coming fast.

Rebecca turned the corner wearing nothing but a robe and she jumped on top of me.

"Rebecca" I whined.

"Morning" she smiled leaning down to kiss me.

"Why are you so happy?" I laughed sitting up in my elbows.

"I don't know, just feel so accomplished" she said with a big bright smile.

"You mean because of what we did?" I asked.

"Yes!" She squealed.

She stood up and jumped up and down on the bed.

The bedsheets started flying around.

I grabbed a sheet and held it against myself.

"Bec I'm naked stop!" I laughed.

"Well then go get dressed." She smiled.

"Get me a towel or something at least" I whined.

She got up and brought it to me.

I walked in to the bathroom and I put on some boxers.

I looked to my right and saw a black lace bra, the one she wore the other day, hanging on the shower.

I smirked.

I walked out of the bathroom a couple minutes later and Rebecca was in her robe still but wearing undergarments and searching through her luggage.

"Cam have you seen that black bra? I can't find it" she said and she turned around.

"Cameron Alexander Dallas. Take that off right now" she said coming up to me and tried grabbing it but I jerked the other way.

"Cam stop" she whined.

"Oh little Becca come here" he held out his arms. I hugged him and secretly unclasped my bra and took it off him.

"Ha!" I stuck my tongue out.

"Fricken weirdo" I laughed.

How did I end up with this guy. It's just so crazy..

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