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I woke up from the door opening. I stretched my arms, and noticed that Rebecca was sleeping on me. I slowly lifted her head and placed it on the couch.

I went up to the door and looked through the peephole, it was Shawn.

I opened the door, and he walked in, but stumbled.

"HEY MANN" He slurred, he is definitely drunk.

"Shh, Rebecca is sleeping." I helped him stand.

"Oh psh" he flipped his hand.

"Rebecca" I called her, because Shawn was getting a bit out of control.

"Hey Shawn, how was your date?" She asked him and walked over to us.

"It was great, Cathy and I got married" He just burst out in to laughter.

"Cathy?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Cassidy" I whispered to her.

"Oh Cassidy, my lovely wife." He giggled and held his hands together while swaying back and fourth.

"Shawn lets go sit down" Rebecca grabbed his arm and slowly led him to the couch, I followed.

"Hey becca-boo I gotta secret" He slurred in her ear.

I could tell that she was disturbed, but she just went along with it.

"What's that?" She asked and glanced over at me.

"I love you." He covered his mouth. I felt my head heating up, and my fists clenching.

"Yeah, i love you too Shawn. You are like my brother" She smiled.


"Ew. I don't want to have sex with my sister. I want to have sex with you my lover." he put his index finger in front of her nose.
"I've always wanted you. I want you to be my girlfriend, not his" he added.

I stood up, clenching my fists

Her eyes went wide. "Shawn, I think you should go to bed." Rebecca said to him swiftly.

I felt my breathing get heavy. He really pissed me off now.

"With you sugar spice?" His right cheek rose along with the wiggling of his eyebrows.

"No, Shawn. Yourself" I interrupted her.

"No, she's mine now" He grabbed her arm with his red fist and she tried to squirm away.

"Ow!" She screeched and pulled her arm away.

I looked over at her arm and it was red with finger prints form his grip.

"Shawn get the hell out of here" I stood up.

"You can't make me" he crossed his arms.

I grabbed him by the shirt. "Oh, but I can. Lay one fucking finger on her again and you are a dead son of a bitch"

"Woah, fine I will just go to my wife house" He trotted out the door.

I looked back and Rebecca was gone.

I locked the door and walked upstairs.

I heard sobbing from our bedroom, I walked in and Rebecca was lying in bed crying.

"Bee he is gone" I went and played beside her.

"Let me see your arm" I said, she flipped over and faced me.

She held out her arm. It had already began to bruise.

I kissed it. "Cameron why does this stuff always happen to me?" She brought herself close to me and cuddled her arms against my chest.

I wrapped my arms around her.

"You know what, he is just a dick" I said kissing her forehead.

"Where did he go?" She asked me.

"To his wife's house... Whatever that means" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Don't worry about him, lets just go to bed" I said while shutting off the light.

I fell asleep with Rebecca basically trembling in my arms. Man this girl can't catch



I woke up the next morning still in Cameron arms. I slowly got up trying not to wake him up and went to the bathroom.

I looked down at my arm. It was a big purple bruise and it hurt when I didn't even apply an pressure to it.

I brushed my teeth, and hair and applied my simple make-up.

I walked out and got dressed. I put on a sweatshirt to cover the bruise, and my light wash jeans.

I walked downstairs and started making breakfast.

I was in the middle of cutting some strawberry's when there was a knock at the door

'Who could that even be?' I thought to myself. 'Its only 9:30'

I opened the door and there stood a pale Shawn with a disgusting odor.

I took one glance at him and was about to shut the door when he spoke.

"Wait!" he called out.

"What the hell do you want?" I squinted my eyes.

"Whats wrong?" He looked confused.

"Oh, you are going to play that game. Don't fuck with me Shawn. Im not in the mood. You drunk ass." I shook my head.

"What did I do?" He was surprised.

"Does this remind you of anything?" I asked him rolling up my sleeve exposing the hideous bruise on my arm.

"D-d-did I do that?" He stuttered.

"Yea. You did, because you were fucking drunk out of your mind and you said some really stupid shit to me, about me." I shook my head.

"What?" He looked so surprised.
"Did you not think it was weird when you woke up in your 'wife's' room this morning?" I asked him.

"Wife?" He asked.

"You came here and just talked about how you and Cassidy got married." I said

"What the hell" he looked at his finger, and sure enough.

"I'm too young, I can't be a husband." He started freaking out.

"Well go figure out your problems anywhere but here" I almost shut the door but he stopped it with his foot.

"Let me get my bags" he sighed.

"Oh don't worry I already packed them" Cameron walked up behind me and handed Shawn his suitcase and other bags.

"Bye I guess" Shawn turned around and walked off to the elevator.

I shut the door.

"Rebecca, your arm is bad" Cameron came up to my and grabbed it slightly.

"I will be fine" I said.

"My little warrior" he kissed me.
I smiled and continued to make breakfast with Cameron's help.

We sat down and just talked about upcoming hours and stuff.

Then it hit me. My best friend is gone. Shawn is gone. As much as I hated him, I felt terrible for the whole situation.

Why does every single good think that happens in my life have to end so terribly?

It's just not fair.

"Rebecca" Cameron interrupted my thoughts.

"Sorry" I looked down.

"It's Shawn isn't it" I could hear the frustration in his voice.

I nodded yes.
He rolled his eyes.

Now what have I started. Things just keep getting worse.

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