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   At this very moment it had hit me.

It had hit me just as I walked in to that very hospital room, 296b, when I saw my beautiful wife laying on that hospital bed holding the two bundles of joy in both arms. Her smile bigger than earth and water combined.

It had hit me that I am a dad. I am a husband. I am a man who has worked hard for everything in his life and has gotten to this point of everlasting happiness. For that I am forever grateful.

I stepped further in to the room and stood beside Rebecca.

"Sweety this is your daddy hunny" she said handing me the baby girl, my daughter.

"She's so beautiful, like her mother" I kissed her forehead and smiled at Rebecca.

"Any names?" I asked rocking her back and forth.

"For him, maybe Benjamin?" Rebecca said.

"I love it" I smiled.

"And for this little one.. What shall we name you cutie pie?" I continued on.

"She's a tough one" Rebecca giggled.

Then it came to me.

"Rachel, Rachel and Benjamin Dallas" I beamed with excitement.

"It's a beautiful name, for a beautiful baby" Rebecca smiled leaning over to just lightly peck me on the lips.

Soon enough Rebecca had fallen asleep and I had put Rachel to sleep, while Benjamin was asleep in his mothers arms.

I walked out of the room and signed the birth certificates for the twins.

As I walked back towards the room I noticed people standing behind the window of the room, the door shut closed as I left it.

"Mom? Mr. and Mrs. Smith?" I asked and they all turned around in unison.

"Congratulations honey!" My mom ran up to me and engulfed me in a hug.

"Congratulations" Rebecca's parents said with smiles to the side.

"Would you like to see them?" I asked, and they all nodded in excitement to see their grandchildren.

We walked in to the room.

"Rebecca sweety" her mom called out and Rebecca's eyes fluttered open.

"Oh how precious" my mom said holding Rachel in her arms.

"Any names yet?" Rebecca's father asked.

"Actually, meet Benjamin, and Rachel" I said handing Bejamin carefully I her dads hands and pointing to Rachel.

"Oh Rebecca sweety, they are so beautiful" my mom said to her.

"They are all your son" she giggled.

"Maybe Benjamin, but Rachel she has all of your features" her mom said to her.

"Really? You think?" She smiled at her moms remark.

We all sat in the room and our parents told old stories about the mischievous Rebecca and I.

Rebecca was sleeping and I had my eyes shut, almost asleep, fully coherent.

"Those two were inseparable, it's no surprise that they ended up together with two kids now, really they were meant for each other" Rebecca's mom said.

I smiled lightly and drifted off to sleep herring bits of conversations in the midst, but not coherent enough to understand the full conversations.

It didn't matter, all that mattered was that I was here now and it's only the beginning.


SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IM REALLY SORRY, I just had a really hard time thinking of names and I wanted this chapter to be short but meaningful so I tried my best.



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