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We were in the car eating and I went to bite in to my wrap but I noticed that on my hand nothing was there.

"Shawn, we need to go back" I said pretty much dropping my food.

"Why what's wrong?" He stopped the car.

"My ring, it's gone" I looked around to see where it was.

"Oh it's at the house" he pulled on to the road again and started driving again.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I just took it off your finger" he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Do you really need it?" He asked.

"No but I also don't want to just lose it." I pointed out.

"Just clam down its okay!" He insisted.

I was still upset a bit but what am I going to do, he had every right.


I woke up surrounded by a bunch of random people.

I sat up and a jolt of pain shot through my head.

I was in my house but I had no idea who any of these people were.

"Go get her" someone said.

I turned around and some girl was sitting on the couch drinking coffee.

"What?" I asked.

"Last night you were basically in tears about this girl, just go get her. You should t just let this other prick get in the way. Go. I will stay here and make sure everyone leaves" she said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Maddie" she said.

"Thank-you Maddie" I smiled and I ran to get my keys.

I walked out of the house and began to drive, not even to the airport. I was driving to Canada.


I was sitting on the couch on my phone when I smelt something really bad coming from outside the window.

I look out and Shawn was just standing there on the phone with one hand, and the other hand with a cigarette.

I walked outside and stood beside him.

He eventually ended the call.

"My aunt, and uncle are coming over with my cousins." He said.

"Great, I didn't know you smoked" I said.

"Yea, for a while now" he said walking back inside.

"Whatever" I said waking in.

I sat back down on the couch and Shawn sat beside me.

"Your car is here" he said pointing through the window.

"Thanks, took long enough" I giggled.

"Your welcome, no biggy" he leaned over to kiss me.

"No" I pushed him back.

"Not with that stench and taste of cigarette on you" I said.

"Really?" He dropped his arms and got up.

I don't really know if this is going very well.


Shawn's uncle was talking to Shawn and all of his cousins were playing and I was talking to his aunt while everyone was in the kitchen and we were in the living room.

"Honey, I know you and Shawn are very good friends. He is s great boy but he kinda has a bad history" she said. "I just don't think you should be anything more than friends" sh added.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"He was involved with drugs and he smoked. He got in to the wrong crowd, you are a very nice girl and we don't want you to fall hard and get knocked down."

"Oh" I said in shock.

"I don't know what to do" I added.

"Hun, just do what you know is right" she said and walked off.

"How is that helpful" I said to myself.

She quickly walked back.

"I know that sounded bad, but it's just there is a lot about him that could catch up to him and you are just to much of a good person to have to go through that. Stay friends" she said with an apologetic smile and she walked to her husband who walked in.

This was all a huge mistake. I gotta go back.

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