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After what seemed like hours, the bell rang signalling that class was over.

I picked up my books, and walked out of class.

I went and opened my locker when I got pushed over and all of my books fell.

I look up and it's Stephanie, Camerons ex-girlfriend.

"What was that for?" I asked picking up all my books.

"That was pretty funny in Geo.." She smirked.

"Well it didn't happend like that, nothing happened." I stressed.

"Well I don't really care if it did or didn't.. I want Cameron" she stated.

"Okay, but he doesn't want you and we are together.." I stated the complete obvious.

"Well not for long.." she laughed.

"Break up with him" she smiled

"What? No!" I blurted.

"Don't, and things will happen. I am your worst nightmare.." She crossed her arms.

"But-" I said

"No buts. Do it!" She yelled and pushed me back down, making me hit my head on my locker.

The bell rang for class but I was still in the hall.

I slowly got up and looked in my mirror.

I had a huge gash in my fore-head.

I threw my books in to my locker, shut it and ran to the office.

I walked in and Cameron was sitting on one of the chairs.

"Rebecca what happened?" He said getting up and coming over to me.

"It wa Ste-" I stopped myself.

"I fell.." I said.

"Nurse!" He yelled, and the nurse came running in.

"Okay don't worry, just sit down." The nurse said bringing me to a chair, and sitting down, and Cameron came beside me.

She came back a few seconds with a towel and ice.

"I need to put this in your records." she said and opened a book behind the desk and went in her office.

"Who pushed you?" Cameron said holding the towel with one hand and the other was holding my hand.

"Um, nobody I fell over my shoe." I stuttered.

"Are you sure nobody did anything?" He asked

"Y-yea" I totally lied.

I just want to tell him but I can't..

"Alright..." He said.


She was lying, and she was bad at hiding it.

"You guys are going home, Cameron you are suspended for 2 days, Rebecca it's best if you go home and rest." The nurse and the principal said.

We got up and walked out. I walked Rebecca to her locker.

"Rebecca there is blood on your locker" I said pointing to the little bit of dripping blood.

"I thought you tripped on your shoe?" I asked

"Can we talk about this later" she said with her hand against her head.

"No problem" I smiled.

I helped her get her stuff from her locker, and then we went to mine and got my stuff.

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