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"So you and Cameron are pretty serious huh?" Jasmine said while taking a sip of her double chocolatey chip Frapp.

"I mean I guess yeah, he's been a bit distant lately though." I huffed.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yea, well I mean we are happy just he is always always going out with Nash. I just think it's a bit fishy.." I said.

"You think he is cheating on you?" She asked.

"I mean I don't want to think that, but it has crossed my mind" I said.

"Honestly, Cam wouldn't do that, just don't worry about it" she flipped her hand.

"Anyways, how is it being a married women?" I giggled while taking a bite of my cake pop.

"Honestly, it's great. Nash is just such a great guy.. And if it wasn't for you, I would even have met him" she smiled to herself.

I couldn't help but feel a wave of jealousy go over me.

"Rebecca" Jasmine giggled snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry" I giggled.

"S'alright" she smiled.

"So you like it? You know, being married?" I asked her.

"It was a bit tough at first, you know getting used to each other's habits and stuff. But honestly it's awesome I really love him. Plus you and Cam already live together so it'll be even better" she smiled.

"Yea, If we get married" I said stressing the if.

"Why do even think he is cheating on you? Has he changed?" She asked.

"Well he has been like a lot more- um how do I say this- frisky? I guess.. And needy in those areas. He was never like that" I shook my head.

"You think if he is actually cheating on you then he is being more needy because he is getting attention from other girls and he wants if from you too now? If that even made sense.." She giggled.

"Exactly" I said pointing my finger.

"That's a tough situation" she said.

"I just don't know what to do" I put my face in my hands and then I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.

"Don't knows what to do about what?" I heard a person say and I turned around. It was Cam.

My face jolted back to Jasmine's and my eyes widened.

"She doesn't know what to do because they made her Cinnamon Dolce Latte really bad" Jasmine spit out.

"T-h-a-n-k-y-o-u" I mouthed to her and she sent me a wink.

"Jas why are you drinking that" Nash asked her as he and Cameron sat down beside each of us.

"Cravings are crazy now" She giggled and then covered her mouth and Nash looked at her with wide eyes.

I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at Cam.

"Are you guys.. Like" I asked.

"We're having a baby" Nash smiled and took Jasmine's hand.

"Oh my god!" I smiled bursting up and hugging them.

"And we want you and Cam to the the godparents" Jasmine smiled at Nash.

I looked at Cameron, he smiled.

"Of-coarse" I said and gave them one last hug.

"We were going to ask another time but, guess the time was right?" Jas said almost in a question.


Shit. I was going to do it right then and there, but now I'm going to ruin their moment and they will think that I'm going to take their spotlight away.

Guess it'll have to wait.

Nash looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Cam can I talk to you for a sec?" Nash blurted out.

"Uh- yeah" I said following out the door to the parking lot.

"Dude I'm sorry I had no clue we were going to tell you guys today" he felt bad, I could just tell by his eyes shimmered.

"Dude it's fine, this is your moment. But I'm really happy for you" I patted his shoulder.

"I'm really nervous. I'm 20, can I be a good dad? I have no clue what I got myself in to" he fell back on to the wall of Starbucks.

"Dude you are going to be a great dad" I said. He sighed and we walked back in.

"Cam lets go home I gotta sleep" Rebecca said as we approached them.

"Yep, same." Jasmine said to Nash.


Rebecca made some lunch for us and we ate.

"I'm bored" Rebecca plopped herself on the couch.

"I know something we can do" I plopped beside her and kissed her jaw.

"Cameron!" She giggled and hit my leg.

"Are you ready now?" I asked her.

"No" she smiled.

I waited a couple seconds. "Now?" I blurted.

"No. Why are you so determined to get me out of my pants?" She shook her head and giggled.

"I don't know, just am" I shrugged my shoulders and played with the zipper of her sweater.

"Well you know what coach Carr said in Mean Girls?" She asked me.

"What? No.." I state the obvious.

"Well he said, and I quote. 'Don't have sex. You will get pregnant and die.' Does that sound appealing? Do you want me to die?" She said all serious.

"Uh-I-um-" she cut my mumbling off.

"IM KIDDING" She laughed.

"Jeez, you had me going there." I fell back on to the couch.

"Good. But it's still not happening" she smirked.

I looked at her and pouted. "Yet" she added and I basically jumped on her and tackled her with kisses.

"Love you" I snickered.
"Love you too" she smiled

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