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After Prom, Cameron's parents let him have the house for the weekend, so Sarah, Sammy, Rebecca, Nash, and his girly friend, well not girlfriend yet, went over.

We pulled in to his driveway, "Hey cam I'm just gonna go home and change I will be back." I said

"I will come" Cameron piped up as we got out of the Car.

"Cam, it's fine" I said, knowing how my dad feels about him.

"Guys you go inside, here's the key" he said handing Nash the door key, and walking over to me.

He latched his fingers with mine and began walking to my house.

"C'mon before my parents see you Cam" I said dragging him up the stairs.

"Rebecca honey is that you?" My mom called opening up the lights

"Cameron?" She asked confused.

Then my dad barged in to the foyer.

"Did I just hear Cameron?" He said with a stern and forceful tone.

I looked at Cameron and he returned the look.

"Y-yes" I stuttered.

"And why is he here Rebecca." he said extending the he.

"Dad I-" I was cut off.

"Look sir, I love your daughter. Okay? I will do anything for her, even if you do not approve, she I someone that I am willing to fight for. No matter what you or anyone else says I'll never change my mind" Cameron said causing me and my mom to look at each other in complete shock.

My dad walked up to Cameron inches away from him.

He raised his hand, but then lowered it to shake his.

"Any boy who cares about my daughter that much to stand up to me like that, deserves a second chance" he said making me smile.

"Thank-you" he said shaking his hand. My parents walked off and Cameron and I walked upstairs awkwardly.

He sat on my bed and watched some TV, while I took off my make-up and put my hair in a bun.

I got a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt from my dresser and got changed in my bathroom.

I took off my contacts and slipped on my glasses.

"Alright I'm done" I said walking out of my bathroom, noticing that I was talking to myself because Cameron was fast asleep on my bed.

I skipped over to him, and kissed him quickly.

"Wakey wakey sleepy head" I said and his eyes fluttered open.

"Sorry" he said getting up and rubbing his eyes.

"C'mon let's go they are waiting at your house " I giggle pulling him up by his arms and walking downstairs.

I said bye to my parents and we walked out.

"So at least I'm not banned from your house anymore" he smiled.

"Mhm.. You know that was really nice what you said back their" I smiled to myself.

"Well it was all true" he said pecking my cheek.

We walked in to his house and Cameron went to go change quickly.

"So you guys are good now?" Sarah asked me as I sat down on the couch.

"Yea" I smiled to myself.

"Good! That would be so awkward at the wedding if y'all weren't.." Sam laughed

"Yea I guess" I snickered.

"Well I'm just happy I have someone who can make me sandwiches now" Cameron said running down the stairs and swinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Wow" I laughed

"Hey, you make a pretty mean meatball sub" he said

"Ohh... Meat- BALL.. I see where your going with this" Sammy piped up.

"No!" I yelled turning a punching Cameron lightly in the arm while giggling

"Well I mean Cam must be a good kisser though right? OMG BECCA TELL US ALL THE DEETS!" Nash squealed in a girly voice.

"Um, I'm just going to pretend that never happened" I laughed and everyone giggled along.

"No but really I gotta know! What happened to your lip that day?" Nash asked getting all serious.

"I fell" I answered quick.

"C'mon it's a slumber party! Tell us girl!" Nash squealed.

"Don't lie sweety, I will tell you hun" Cameron said sassily flipping his hand towards Nash.

"What really happened was, we were making out and then Nash scared me when he called my name so I bit her lip.. See Rebecca it's not that hard to tell the truth.." He said

I playfully punched his arm.

"OMG YOU GUYS MAC?" Sam and Nash squealed like little girls.

"REBECCA BOYS HAVE COOTIES!" Sarah scolded me.

The night ended in fits of laughter, and watching frozen.

Could this night have gotten any better?

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