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I made her laugh and that's honestly all I wanted out of all of this.

"So, I was thinking IHOP?" She asked me.

"Sounds good to me" I ruffled my hair.

I got up and went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, hair, and just kinda fixed myself up.

Rebecca walked in after me and did the same.

I sat up on the counter beside her.

"Bec?" I sat there, my mind filled with thoughts that were nerve racking to speak of.

"Mhm?" She hummed.

"I was thinking maybe like Lindsay, or Ryan?" I said.

She batted her eyes after using her lash curler.

"What are you talking about?" She placed her hands on my thighs and smiled.

"Our kids" I took a piece of loose hair and slid it behind her ear.

Her hand made its way to my chest and she went on her tippy toes to kiss me.

"I'm hungry" she stepped away and walked to he door.

I still sat there, in complete aw. It's just hitting me now how much this girl means to me.

"You coming?" She smiled and I followed behind.

We made our way down to the car and drove to IHOP.


We got out of the car and I walked behind Rebecca.

"Hey!" I ran up beside her.

"What?" She looked to me.

"I think you need to wear sweatpants and sweatshirts more often, not theses skirts and stuff" I shook my head and placed my hand in the small of her back.

"Why? What's wrong with my outfit?" She frowned.

"Oh nothing, it's just you don't need to impress anyone else, you have me, so why even bother looking presentable" I shrugged my shoulders.

She just laughed.

We stepped in and the door rang signalling that someone had arrived.

"Hello, table for two?" The little old lady asked.

"Please" I smiled.

"Follow me" she walked to a booth at the back.

"I will be back for orders after" she smiled.

"Oh, um we know what we want" I said, Rebecca looked at me weird.

"Oh! Great!" She said.
"We will both get two chocolate chip pancakes, home fries and bacon on the side. With chocolate milks" I added.

"Great, thanks" the waitress walked away.

"How did you know that?" Rebecca looked at me wired.

"I just do" I shrugged.

"So" Rebecca began. "Whats up with you?" She tucked her hIr behind her ear.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You keep talking about kids" she giggled.

"Look Rebecca I just want to marry you! Like I want to have kids with you, and I want you to be my wife. We have the money, we have the house!" I raised my voice a bit.

She had no expression.

"I'm sorry, it's just a sensitive topic" I tried getting her to look in to my eyes.

"No, I feel the exact same. I'm just scared. What would people say if they knew that me, a 19 year old is having kids and is married? People are mean Cam. They just are and frankly, I feel like my dad would kill you because you know what happens when we have kids." She explained.

"Nobody needs to know! It's could be like Romeo and Juliet, a forbidden and secret marriage." I said and she laughed.

"I guess, in a way" she laughed and the lady brought us our chocolate milk.

I took a sip.

"Anyway's Cameron are you actually ready to be a dad?" She asked me.

"Of-coarse I am" I said. "You seem so hesitant about this" I added.

She got all nervous.

"I know why" I smirked.

"You do?" She looked at me nervously.

"You are scared to see.... DEEZ NUTS" I shouted, her eyes widened and she bursted out in laughter.

"Cam stop" she giggled covering her face with her hands.

"No but really, I understand it's a big step" I took her hand.

"Huge" she huffed. I tried so hard to hold it in but I couldn't any longer.

"JUST LIKE MY DICK" I followed after.

"CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS" She slapped my arm.

"I had too" I laughed.

"Why do I even love you" she shook her head and leaned t on my shoulder as her arms wrapped around my arm.

"Because our love is unlike any other" I said and she nodded in agreement.

It was true, I have never loved anyone so much.

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