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Cameron got a phone call about a half hour after we got here and ever since then he has been a bit weird.

I was finished with my food and I noticed that Cameron kept glancing up every so often, and he barely touched his food.

"Cam are you okay?" I asked him.

He looked up in to my eyes and they started getting watery.

"My step-dad is leaving us again" he whimpered.

"Oh my gosh" I slid over and hugged him.

"First my dad leaves and I don't even know who the hell he is, now this dip-shit of a step-dad leaves my brother and I. Jackson does not need to go through what I went through." He said whipping under his eyes.
"I will pay and we can go see your mom, Jackson and Sierra" I said.
"Okay" he said getting up. He dug his hands in to his pockets and walked out.

I went up to the desk and paid for the breakfast.

I got my receipt and walked out to Cams car.

"I'll drive" I said stepping in to the drivers seat.

He got in the passenger and we left.

"Cameron it will be okay" I said grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers.

He hovered above the middle compartment of the car and kissed my cheek.

"I love you. I'm never leaving you" he said.

"I know" I smiled. "I just don't want to do to you what my dad did to my mom." He kept bring up his dad.

"I know Cam, you wouldn't do that." I tried to get the subject off of his mind, but it was going to be impossible.

I drove in to the driveway of his moms house.

We walked in and Cameron's step-dad and his mom were yelling at each other.

I took his hand. "It's okay" I mouthed to him.

He clenched his jaw and walked over to Tim.

Cameron tapped his shoulder. Shit I know what's gonna happen.

"Cameron" I said, I tried to stop him but it was too late.

Tim turned around when Cameron tapped him and Cameron punched him straight in the face.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER TALK TO ME OR MY MOM OR ANYONE IN MY FAMILY EVER AGAIN YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" Cameron yelled and Tim's ran out of the house slamming the door behind him.

"Fuck" Cameron said falling to the floor grasping his right fist with his left hand.

"Cam" I said and I ran to his side and his mom wept.

"I-I need to go rest" Gina said walking upstairs.

"Cameron are you okay?" I asked him as he sat up.

"My fist hurts like a bitch" he winced.

"Let me see" I unwrapped his left hand and revealed the swollen hand.

"Jesus Cam" I widened my eyes.

I placed a finger on it and he winced in pain.

"Let's go, you need to see a doctor" I got up and held out my hand for him to take.

"Rebecca I will be fine I don't need a doctor" he said taking my hand and getting up.

"Okay let's hold hands then" I held out my hand to take his.

He grabbed my hand with his left hand.

"Other hand" I raised my eyebrows.

He slowly places his right hand in mine. I barely even moved my fingers and he was clenching his jaw in pain.

"Fine" he said walking out the door. I always know best.


We got to the hospital and went to emerge. I was completely right. Cameron broke four fingers and his wrist.
He got his cast and we went back to his house.

We walked in and Jackson ran up to me.

"Hey jax" I smiled while hugging him.
"Cameron what's on your hand?" He asked his big brother.

"I'm turning in to a robot, I just got a metal hand so this is protecting it." Cameron said and picked up Jackson.

"Woah! COOL!" Jackson said excitedly.

We all sat down in the living room and watched TV for a bit in silence until Jackson spoke.

"When are you and Rebecca going to get married and have babies?" Jackson asked Cameron, my head flung towards him.

Jackson caught me off guard.

"Hopefully soon" Cameron took my hand and squeezed it, and he shot me a smile.

"Well I want to be a big brother" Jackson smiled.

"Jax if we have a baby, you will be an uncle" Cameron giggled.

"But I'm only five" he looked confused.

"I know, it will be cool" Cameron smiled.

"I'm tired" Jackson yawned.

"Goodnight" he said to both of us and gave us hugs before going upstairs.

"Soon huh?" I scooched over and cuddled in to Cameron.

"Very" he smiled leaning his head to kiss me.


The kiss deepened and continued on for quite a while.

I felt a buzz under my leg but ignored it, I didn't want to ruin this.
Again, another buzz.
And again.

Rebecca pulled away. "You gonna get that?" She giggled.

"Yea" said getting phone out of my back pocket.

I read the text from Nash.

Nashed potatoe😎- Pack your bags, we are going to Hawaii! We are finally getting married, airport on Saturday at 11:30am sharp! Don't be late:/


My heart began racing in excitement.

"Rebecca we are going to Haw-" I stopped myself and smiled.

She had fallen asleep. Typical Rebecca. I laid her head on my lap and fell asleep soon after.

Good way to end a terrible day.

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