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"You, my friend, are absolutely crazy." I shook my head walking back inside.

"What, you don't like it?" He looked at me and tilted his head.

"No! Its amazing, but remember last time we got a house?" I looked down.

"Yeah, but I'm not letting anything happen because this is our house, nobody else is living here." He said.

"This is only the beginning" He said.

"NOW WE CAN GO TO IKEA!" I jumped up. Ikea is my favourite because they have food, drinks, and really anything. Its just my life.

"Before you get all excited, there is just one catch.." Cameron looked nervous.

"Which is what?" I sat down at the island in the kitchen.

"Nash and Jas are getting married, right..Well Nash kinda bought the penthouse, like next door."

"What?" I screamed.

"Look I'm sorry I-" I cut him off

"Cam that is awesome, at least I won't be the only girl." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You gave me a heart attack" he giggled.

"Okay, lets go home. We are allowed to move in tomorrow." Cam said walking out.

"But but -" I furrowed my lips.

"C'mon lets go cuddle" He whined.

I ran out and he locked the door, I managed to get in to the elevator before him, I pressed the button to shut the door and just as he was about to step in it shut.

I took a deep breath to catch my breath. Then I noticed that someone was standing beside me.

I looked over. "Hi" i smiled and I looked forwards again, but soon after I jerked my head back to the person.

"Cassidy?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Hi" she smiled big.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I live here, I'm on floor 17. Why are you here?" She asked.

"Oh, Cam and I just bought an apartment up on floor 18" I said.

"Thats so weird!" I laughed.

"So you guys bought the penthouse?" She asked.

"I guess" I laughed.

"So about Tuesday, I checked my schedule for work and I'm off, should I come here? Or that other address?" She told me.

"Um here, we are moving in tomorrow." I smiled.

The elevator stopped and we stepped out I was grabbed by the waist and kissed on the cheek. Guess he took the stairs..

I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Oh, Cam you remember Cassidy right?" I pointed her out and she began to blush.

"Yeah, nice to see you again" He smiled.

"Well we better be on our way, see you Tuesday" I smiled and she waved and we walked out to the car.


Rebecca and I drove home and stopped at Starbucks on the way.

At this point we were just sitting on Rebecca's couch in her bedroom watching TV.

I felt my phone buzz.


Hey Cam, so tomorrow my flight arrives at 11:00am, can you pick me up? -Unknown Person

Yea for sure, she is gonna die -Cameron

I can just imagine her facial expression -Unknown Person

I know right! -Cameron

K I gotta go, duty calls- Unknown Person

Bii - Cameron

"Who you texting?" Rebecca started looking at my phone.

"My side bae" I shut off my phone.

"WOW SHAFTED" she held her hand over her left side of her chest.

"Whoops you caught me" I raised my hands.

"You're so mean" She punched me with a weak fist on my arm.

"Owh, I think my arm is broken" I said in a dull voice.

"OH SHUT UP" She kicked my leg.

"Okay, that actually hurt" I laughed and grabbed my leg.

"Im so sorry" she said getting on her knees in front of me.

"Its bruising, let me get some cold water" She said getting up.

Not long after, she came back with a wet towel.

She knelt down again on her knees in front of me. And began applying pressure on what seemed to actually be a bruise.

"Oww" I whined.

The door opened, it was her mom.

"Oh my goodness" She covered her eyes and shut the door.

"What? Why did she leave- Oh shit" Rebecca burst in to laughter.

"Im still not getting it" I was confused.

"This, my position right now, just doesn't look right from that angle, and that fucking sound you made didn't make it any better" She laughed.

"Oh God, that so awkward" I slapped my forehead.

"Hunny, when you are done can you please give me your laundry?" her mom called from outside the door.

"Mom you can come in" She said.

Her mom crept through the door. "You sure?" She said with a shaky voice.

"Mom can I talk to you out there for a sec?" Becca asked her mom, and they walked out.


"Mom we weren't doing what you think" I giggled.

"It looked like what I think" she crossed her arms.

"I kicked him and I was just putting cold water on his leg, literally I would never do that" I looked at her in the eyes to prove that I was telling her the truth.

"Whatever, but please we don't need any more kids running around for a long while." She giggled.

"And I don't have any laundry" I said before walking in to my room.

"Most awkward conversation ever" I laughed.

"I heard" he looked upset.

"What, your leg still hurts? You look like a kid that just found out Santa isn't real" I laughed.

"No, you would never do it?" He frowned, my eyes widened.

"CAMERON" I slapped his arm.

"You would?" He smirked.

"No!" I yelled.

"Hey it was worth the try, I'm a man who has needs" He looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Don't you dare start with this again" I pointed at him.

How the hell did I fall for such a fucking weirdo with a dirty ass mind?

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