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I woke up to the sound of a door slamming.

I turned over. "Rebecca" I tapped her.

"What?" She hummed groggily.

"Did you hear that?" I asked.

"Hear wh- what the hell is that" she got cut off by the sound of footsteps.

She cuddled close to me.

"Rebecca" an unfamiliar voice called out.

"Get in the closet, now" I said sternly with a whisper.

"Why are they calling me?" She whimpered making her way slowly to the closet door.

She opened it slowly without a creek and signalled for me to go with her.

"Shut the door" I said grabbing the baseball bat in my gym bag.

"No Cameron, please" she cried.

"I will be fine. Shut the door" I whispered, keeping my cool.

She closed the door, I heard a silent 'I love you' in the distance.

I swung the door open.

The lights all turned on and a man stood there, his reflexes causing him to turn and a loud bang erupting in my ears.

Pain shot through my lower right stomach.

"SHIT" I yelled falling to the ground grasping my side in pain.

I lifted my hands to see a pool of blood not only in me but a blood puddle beginning to form before my eyes on the ground.

"CAMERON" I voice called and I felt two hands on my back and she laid me down on her legs.

Her voice so faint, my eyesight blurring.

"Cameron" she cried.

"Rebecca, nice to finally meet again" The man said taking off his hood.

"Ian how could you do that! He was your best friend!" She cried I to my chest.

"Yeah, my best friend. That stole my girlfriend. He took my girlfriend. I take his life" he spat.

"Cameron please don't, you can hold on" she cried feeling my neck for a pulse.

"I love you" I managed to say.
"F-f" I couldn't get another word out.

I took a painful deep breath.

"F-fuck you Ian" I breathed as he pointed the gun right to my head from a short distance.

"Cameron" Rebecca said.
"CAMERON" she repeated over and over until my vision went completely blank.

I felt myself being shaken.

All of a sudden my eyes fluttered open.

I looked around, painless.

"Are you okay? You were like shivering" Rebecca giggled

"Your here" I looked at her and then looked down at my side.

"Holy shit it was a dream" I sighed.

"Um yeah" she smiled.

"What about?" She asked.

"Nothing" I simply added hugging her and laying back down.

"If you say so" she wrapped her arm around me.

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