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"So Cammy you're my boyfriend now, that means that I need to see your mom.." Stephanie pointed out.

The words 'you're my boyfriend' coming from her made me want to puke my brains out.

"I-I guess so.." I turned around and went in to my house, Stephanie followed behind.

"Mom?" I called and my mom walked down the stairs.

"Hey Hun, where is Rebecca's stu- Stephanie?" She said coming down the stairs but stopping as she saw Stephanie.

"Hi future mother in law!" She yelled running up to my mom.

My mom looked at me with with 'what the hell is this bitch doin in ma house' eyes.

I rolled my eyes, at her stupidity.

"Where's Rebecca?" My mom asked.

"We broke up.." I said and I scratched the back of my head.

"What?" My mom said with the saddest face, she really liked Rebecca..

"Okay, Stephanie let's go out I will meet you in the car.." I said trying to get her the hell out of my house so I could tell my mom everything.

"Alright see YA in there sweety" she said with a wink, and with that she walked out.

"Mom, Rebecca was getting death threats from Stephanie saying if she didn't break up with me then she would do something bad, and now I am stuck with that, that, that thing!" I said.

"Oh, Cameron. You need to do something. That's illegal!" My mom stressed.

"Rebecca must be heartbroken" she sighed covering her face with her hands.
Just then it hit me.

"Okay, I will work everything out, just go with my plan.." I said to my mom.

"Alright.." She said with hope.


"Scott, I'm going to just go out for a coffee, I won't be back for to long.." I told him.

"Wait! Rebecca! I need to tell you something!" He said coming out of his room.

"What's up?" I asked him.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He has that look in his eye..

"Rebecca, it's early but.. I umm,
I think I love you.." He said

And fuck.

My jaw dropped, literally the worst possible thing he could have said..

"Scott I-" he cut me off.

"I don't care what you feel for me, I want you to know that I love you, and I always have." He said.

"I'm sorry I need to go" I said running out of the house like a mad man.

Did I say, FUCK.

I made my way to the diner, that me and Cameron always hang out at hoping he would be there.

I walked in and sat at the booth in the very corner.

"Hey Rebecca!" Joan, the waitress said.

Me and Cameron have come here is much that the waitress knows our names, it's pretty cool I guess.

"Hey, the usual please" I smiled, she nodded and went behind the counter.

'The usual' consisted of a hot chocolate and a chocolate chip muffin, I really don't like coffee to be honest.

"Here you go darling" she smiled handing me my food and drink.

As I say there drinking my hot chocolate, I began looking through pictures on my phone.

Most of them were of me and Cameron, I began to feel tears swelling in my eyes as I remembered everything we had been through.

"Are you alright?" A girl came up to me.

"Um, yea I'm fine" I said trying desperately to smile.

"You sure? You look like you could talk to someone?" She smiled at me.

"Uh, um, sure sit" I said moving my bag from the opposite side of the table.

"I'm Catherine, sorry I kinda just barged in here. I just noticed a girl in need." she smiled.

"Rebecca, and it's okay" I said back shaking her hand.

"So what's going on girl?" She asked me.

"Well my boyfriend broke up with me because I was being threatened and he wanted me to be safe so he ended it.." I said fast.

"Woah" she said in shock.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said those details.." I said looking down.

"No it's fine! It's just it's like two sided, it's sad but cute. I'm sure you guys still love each other, but he ended it so that you could be safe" she smiled.

"I guess I never thought of it that way.." I said smiling to myself.

"But you see now the guy I'm living with, well his family, he moved back to California like 4 weeks ago and now he says he loves me and he kissed me earlier today... And he told me he loved me.." I continued.

"Well do you feel the same about him?" She asked me.

"Well I never thought about it, but no... Maybe? Ugh, I don't know.." I said puzzled at my own thoughts.

Maybe I do love him, but I love Cameron. I can't love two people, I mean, right?

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