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My alarm went off at 10:30am.

Our flight leaves at 9:00 tonight.

I got up out of bed trying not to wake up Rebecca.

I put on a pair of jeans.

As I looked up after zipping them up.

Rebecca was looking up at me smiling, her face half in the pillow.

"We're you awake this whole time?" I giggled.

"Maybe" she smiled, an giggled while she dug her whole face in to the pillow.

"Little Becs gettin' all shy huh?" I climbed on to bed and kissed her shoulder.

"Stop your makin' me nervous" she said in this weird deep voice.

"What the hell was that? Chris Collins over here" I laughed.

"Oh god" she frowned and giggled and stuffed her face back in to the pillow.

"c'mon babe lets get up and go eat" I kissed her shoulder again.

"K 'babe'" she sat up and kissed me.

She ran hand through my hair as the kiss deepened.

I placed my hand on her hip and just as I was about to fall on to my back she let go and walked off.

I was left breathing heavy. Little tease..

I walked downstairs and she was at the fridge in a huge baggy t-shirt dancing to Stitches by Shawn. It's been her favourite song..

I slowly walked up to her as she grabbed jam and I wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"Hola" she said and we walked slowly to the counter where she made her sandwich, but I maintained a secure but soft grip on her from behind.

'Payback time' I thought to myself.

"You know this trips gonna be really nice" she said.

"Yea" I kissed her cheek.
"Really nice" I said slowly.

I made my way down to her jaw and kissed her again.

"Um, I'm excited for the b-beach" she stuttered as I made my way to her neck leaving trails of small kisses.

"Mhm" I mumbled in agreence.

"C-Cameron" she turned around but I stepped away and grabbed her sandwich from behind her and sat in the stool at the island.

"You are such a tease! And a butt for taking my sandwich!" She whined so I gave it back after eating half.


Just as we settled in to our room, Rebecca and I immediately went to bed.

"I CANT WAIT TO HAVE BABIES WITH YOU! IM SO EXCITED! IM SO EXCITED!"  Sang to the tune of Can't Feel my Dace, by the Weeknd.

"Are you that eager?" Rebecca asked me while taking off her pants and shirt and putting on that huge t-shirts.

"Well when you are walking around wearing that lace underwear and bra it kinda makes me feel some typa way girl" I snapped my fingers and put my hand behind my head, sitting with my back against the backboard of the bed.

"Well we're married now so I can wear whatever I want whenever I want. I can also do whatever I want, to you whenever I want." She took a step close to me.

"Is that whenever now?" My heart started beating fast as I reached for her hips.

She brought her face millimetres away from mine.
"Nope" she smiled and walked off to the other side of the bed.

"Doesn't mean we can't cuddle" she stuck her tongue out.

She walked back to the washroom, and came out moments later with shorts and a tank-top on and her hair up.

I shut of the lamp and she crawled on top of me.

Dozing off in my chest.

Did not know she was such a tease. But I love it.

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