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I could tell that Rebecca was nervous about the big crowds, she was practically shaking.

"Okay guys on the count of three you just need to run and don't stop go right up to the top floor, I will meet you up there" my manager said grasping the door handle.

We all nodded, I grabbed Rebecca's hand.


I jumped out of the truck, Rebecca and everyone else following me.

The girls went crazy as we tried running through the crowds.

Finally we reached the elevators. "Okay head count" I Shawn said and he started counting everyone off.

"Wait!" I yelled

"Rebecca got stuck in the crowd!" I yelled running back to the doors.

"Cameron you can't go back out there!" My manager yelled.

"I can't just leave her out there!" I yelled and I swung the front door open.

I ran down, and pushed my way through fans.

"Cameron!" A faint voice called.

I followed the voice which led me to a big circle.

I manage to get a look at what was going on an realized that Rebecca was on the ground getting kicked.

"HEY! WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled breaking through the circle and getting Rebecca on her feet.

"Why would you do that?" I yelled at the girl that was kicking her.

"Who is she dating?" The gel with blonde hair asked.

"Nobody! She is just a performer!" I yelled and took Rebecca's hand as all of the girls scattered.

I began to walk back to the hotel but I was restricted.

"Cameron I can't walk, my ankle" she limped

I looked around at all of the girls just running away from me like I was a mental case.

I picked up Rebecca and walked to the hotel.

"What happened?" Shawn asked running up to us.

"Some girls beat the shit out of her" I said waking over to the elevators

"Okay the rooms are as follows." My manager Kevin said.

"In room A, Shawn, Matt, and Aaron. Room B, Cam, Rebecca, Nash and Jasmine. Room C, Hayes, Jack, Jack Taylor, Carter." Kevin said handing each of us room keys.

"You guys go up first and get her checked out" Shawn said pressing the elevator button.

"Thanks bud" I said to Shawn and me, Rebecca, Nash and Hayes went in to the elevator.

We walked to the room and I out Rebecca on one of the beds and out her foot on a pillow to rest it.

We all sat down around her and just talked for a bit.

"Okay we need to establish some rules" Nash said

"*cough cough* Cameron and Rebecca" he added

"What?" Rebecca giggled

"Nobody is allowed to sleep in here besides us 4" he said

"No making out"

"No kissing"

"No thinking about kissing or making out"

"No naked people"

"No not getting room service"

"No water"

"Only pop"

"Only chipotle is allowed from outside the hotel"

"The room stays clean"

"Are you done? We get it" my hand swung over my forehead.

"Pretty much" he laughed.

I looked over at Rebecca, she was in pain.

I got up and went to the bathroom and grabbed a first aid kit.

I walked out and sat beside Rebecca's legs.

I took out the tensor band and carefully wrapped it around her left ankle.

"Thanks" she smiled

"No problem" I smiled, and there was a knock at the door.

I opened it to find Shawn with his guitar on his back.

"Kevin wants me and Rebecca to practice the songs" he smiled.

"Alright, one sec. Come in" I said opening the door wider.

"Now, what will we do about your foot?" I asked myself.

"How about these?" Hayes asked holding up crutches from the closet.

"Great! Man this hotel has everything!" I laughed handing Rebecca the crutches as she got up.

"Okay, have fun" I said pecking Rebecca's lips before she shut the door behind her and Shawn.


I struggled at first with the crutches, but managed after a while.

Finally we made it to a room which I assumed was Shawn's and we walked in.

"Me casa est tu casa" he said waving his hands.

"Thanks" I giggled taking a seat on a chair beside the keyboard.

He sat down beside me and pulled out a book.
He opened it, and it was filled with a bunch of songs.

"Okay so you know Life of The Party right?" He asked me.

"Yea" I nodded my head.

"Okay, well this is called A Little To Much, just try to go along. For this one I'm gonna play the guitar and you can sing it" he said

And he began strumming. And I started singing.

"....in her way,
Sometimes it all gets a little to much,
but you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up,
And you don have to be afraid, because we're all the same,and we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much..."


As she sang the words of the song I could see that passion in her eyes.
She loved to sing, she just didn't want to let the world see her talent.

Little does she know, she is singing a song about herself.

Which makes this moment even better, just being here with her.

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