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On the drive home, I obviously drove but Rebecca insisted on sitting in the back with Shawn to 'catch up'.

I can't help but be upset and nervous when she talks to Shawn. But this is not for me, its for her. I just always feel like he has one up on me.

There will just always be a part of me that will never fully trust Shawn with Rebecca because of his feelings for her, but I know I can trust Rebecca so I just need to get through this for her.

All I could here from behind me was laughing, giggling and I'm gonna be real. It pissed me off.

I rolled my eyes and continued driving.

We pulled in to the parking lot and got out of the car.

Shawn, Rebecca and I all went in to the building and up to the room. As we walked to the room I noticed Nash walking in to the room next to ours.

"Yo Nash" I called out.

"Shawn?" He squinted and ran put to Shawn giving him a hug.

"You and Jas wanna come hang out in our room?" I asked Nash.

"Yea, be right there" He nodded and walked back in to his room.

We brought Shawn in to the room.

"So do you have a hotel yet?" Rebecca asked him.

"Um, not yet it was kind of a last minute trip over" He shrugged is shoulders.

"I will call the Hilton for you" I ran to get the phone.

"Cam! Stop. Shawn you can stay here, I hope its okay if you sleep on the pull out couch." Rebecca said.

If only I could send her a telepathic message, if i could, it would say... 'WHAT THE HELL. NO'

"Yeah, sounds great" I looked at her, and she gave e that look that say's 'Cameron be nice'.

"No, I can't do that to you guys" Shawn said.

"Well if you say s-" She cut me off again.

"NO! We insist, right Cam?" her eyes widened as she clenched her jaw.

"Yea" i said sarcastically.

Just then Nash and Jas walked in.

We all sat down and talked in the living room, I was silent the whole time not giving two shits about what Shawn has to say.

"Hey Cam can I talk to you?" Nash asked me.

"Yea, be right back" I got up and walked off.

"Yo, what's your deal bro?" Nash asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Shawn" He huffed and shook his head.

"How does he win her over so quick! It pisses me off, he is not stealing my girlfriend." I stomped my foot.

"Just calm down, Rebecca doesn't want you guys to fight, and Shawn wouldn't do anything to break you guys up, again" He added.

"I guess" I said

"Now lets get back in there before they start getting suspicious." Nash got up and walked back, I followed.

We walked in to Shawn singing and playing his guitar, it was a song I had never heard, but as I hate to say, it was great.

"Turns out that no one can replace me I'm permanent, you can't erase me, i'll help you remember me, One more kiss is all it takes, I'll leave you with the memory, And the aftertaste.. Truth is that no one can replace me I'm permanent, you can't erase me I'll help you remember me, One more kiss is all it takes, I'll leave you with the memory, And the aftertaste, And the aftertaste..."

I gotta admit, Shawn is not my favourite person on earth but man he can get any girl and he has to go for mine?

"Shawn that's amazing" the girls said basically drooling over him.

"What's that one about?" Rebecca asked.

"Cameron's view on you" he smiled.

"Awhh" the girls cooed. Ridiculous.

The rest of the day we all just kinda talked and hung out, nothing special..


"Night dude" I said to Shawn before Rebecca and I walked upstairs.

"Night" he said and he shut off the lamp.

We walked in to our room and I shut the door behind me.


I pulled the covers over myself and turned to Cam.

"Bec, why do you have to be so beautiful and kind?" He whined.

"What?" I giggled.

"Everyone wants you, but your all mine! So stop making yourself so likeable!" He started tickling me.

"Stop" I laughed.

"Did you hear aftertaste? The one Shawn was singing? It's amazing!" I cooed about him and I sat up.

"If you ask me, it's fucking creepy that he writes songs about us. That just means that he thinks about you and I together. It's just weird" he said.

"Honestly, why do you hate him so much?" I asked him.

"Because he is trying to take you away from me" he huffed.

"Well the fact that you think that he will take me from you just shows me that you think I would just leave, and you don't trust me. Goodnight." I rolled my eyes and flipped over on to my other side.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I trust you. I do. It's just him I don't trust" he placed his hand on my hip and moved closer.

"Don't babe me." I swatted at his hand and pushed him away from me.

"I just want you to trust me" I said before I shut my eyes, and felt a tear slip from my eye.
I drifted off to sleep. He makes everything about him.


I woke up to another strumming guitar.

I walked halfway down the steps and saw Shawn and Cam sitting on the couch as Shawn sang, and strummed his guitar.

"And if this is what it takes,
Then let me be the one to bear the pain.
Oh and if this is what it takes,
Then I'll break down these walls,
These walls that are in our way.
If this is what it takes."
Shawn sang.

"Sounds great" Cameron said patting Shawn on the back.

"Look, sorry about everything, I think we just need to start over. Act like nothing ever happened" he said and I smiled.

"Agreed" Shawn said.

"Let me go wake her up, be right back" Cameron got up.

I ran up the stars as silent as I could and I jumped in to the covers of the bed.

Just as I shut my eyes, the door opened.

I felt the bed beside me dip down.
"Wake up princess" Cameron said in a soft voice, I could tell he was smiling.

I felt a kiss on my lips.

I opened my eyes. "Morning" I said.

"Look Bee I'm really sorry, about everything. I- you were crying" he cut himself off.

"What?" I asked.

"You have tear stains under your eyes." We placed his thumb under my eyes and wiped them away.

"I'm really sorry" He said.

"It's okay, I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too" he sighed.

He laid beside me for a bit, and we just talked. My favourite thing to do. Just talk.

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