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I step in to a taxi. I take a last glance at the house before the man drove off to the airport.

Many thoughts ran through my mind. Thoughts that haven't crossed my mind.

Where I'm I even going. I can't just to go back to my parents, they will just make me go back to see Cameron.

I go on my phone and search hard through my contacts.

One name caught my eye. The only person I know that does not live in California. Shawn, well he did live with us but not anymore. He just moved back home.

He's my only hope.

"We are here ma'am" the driver said pulling up to the airport.

I paid the driver, and got all of my stuff out of the car. I stood at the front door before making any purchases of tickets.

I call Shawn.



-Shawn! Thank God you answered!

-What's up Rebecca? It's been a while!

-A lot actually.

-What's wrong.

-It's a long story, I need a huge favour.


-Can I come stay with you in Canada for a bit?

-What about Ca-

-Don't say his name.

-Oh, I see. Yea sure when will you be here?

-5 hours.

-Was not expecting that! Alright see you.

-Bye Shawn. Oh and Thanks!


I hung up the phone before he could say anything else and I ran to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" An elderly lady smiled.

"One ticket to Toronto, Canada please" I said.

"Coming right up sweetie. Your lucky we only have 2 spots left!" She smiled.

She printed off the tickets and handed them to me. I ran to customs, I had 45 minutes. Not exactly long.


I got out of the plane and went to get my luggage.

Of-coarse my bag was at the very end, but once I got it I walked outside to try hail a taxi.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around. "Excuse me Miss, are you Rebecca Smith?" An older man asked me.

"Um, yes" I said with a confused look.

"I was sent by Sir Shawn Mendes, I'm here to drive you" he smiled holding out his hand.

"I'm Chonsey" he added.

I giggled and shook his hand as he me to the limo.

I got in and Chonsey put my luggage in the back.

I've got to admit, great name.

We pulled up to this super cute not huge but not small, two story house.

"We're here" Chonsey smiled as he opened my door.

"Thank-you very much, I appreciate it" I smiled and made my way to the door, and then I rang the doorbell.

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